Photoelectric Effect –
Photocell (evacuated)

Photoelectric Effect –
Photocell (evacuated), 1000915 [U8482415], Quantization
Photoelectric Effect –
Photocell (evacuated), 1000915 [U8482415], Quantization
Photoelectric Effect –
Photocell (evacuated), 1000915 [U8482415], Quantization
In stock
Product Information: ..
Evacuated photocell for demonstrating the photoelectric effect and showing that the emission of electrons increases with increasing light intensity. Mounted ready for use on a connector base with electrical wiring and shaft.

Specifications: ..
Cathode: Cesium on oxidized silver
Cathode area: 2.4 cm²
Operating voltage: 50 V, max. 200 V
Working resistance: 1 MΩ
Dark current: < 0.05 µA
Sensitivity: 20 µA/Lumen
current density:
max. 3.0 µA/cm²

Item No.: 1000915 [U8482415]
Weight 0.433 kg
Dimensions 15.2 x 10.2 x 10.2 cm
Brand 3B Scientific
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