Free Fall Apparatus -
to determine the gravitational constant g

Free Fall Apparatus -
to determine the gravitational constant g, 1000738 [U8400830], Free Fall
Free Fall Apparatus -
to determine the gravitational constant g, 1000738 [U8400830], Free Fall
Free Fall Apparatus -
to determine the gravitational constant g, 1000738 [U8400830], Free Fall
Free Fall Apparatus -
to determine the gravitational constant g, 1000738 [U8400830], Free Fall
Free Fall Apparatus -
to determine the gravitational constant g, 1000738 [U8400830], Free Fall
Application: ..
Apparatus for measuring the time it takes for a ball to fall a certain distance using a digital timer. Very easy to set up and use but nevertheless highly accurate. Includes 3 steel balls.

Product Information: ..
A micro-magnet holds the ball in its start position. Three contact pins under the release mechanism ensure that the start position of the ball can be reproduced and act as the contacts of a switch that opens when the ball is released, thus triggering the beginning of the timing measurement. When the ball strikes the contact plate at the bottom, the timer is stopped. The ball is also held firmly on the plate so that it does not bounce. The height through which the ball drops can be adjusted to a fraction of a millimetre and read off a scale on the column.

Specifications: ..
Height scale: 20 – 960 mm
Scale divisions: 10 mm
Scale precision: 0,2 mm
Balls:  Steel, 16 mm Ø
Dimensions: 200 mm x 130 mm x 1000 mm approx.
Weight: 1,6 kg approx.


From 176.00 €

Replacement Parts

16.50 €


From 467.00 €
58.00 €
117.00 €

Overview of all experiments in which the product is used

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