Southdown Small Lamb

Southdown Small Lamb, 1026068, Schweine- und Schafsimulatoren
2.016,00 inkl. MwSt
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Realistic Small Male Lamb Model for Veterinary Training

This carefully crafted model of a small male lamb includes a fully articulated steel skeleton, complete with a ribcage, pelvis, and spine, allowing for realistic movement and correct application of force during positioning. Its robust and flexible design ensures easy cleaning and durability for long-term educational use.

The model features a detailed skull with a jaw, teeth, and soft palate, offering a thorough understanding of lamb anatomy. A clearly marked umbilicus identifies injection sites, while the full natural tail enables practice in tail docking techniques. Reinforced ears and durable hooves further enhance realism, making this model an outstanding resource for veterinary training in handling and examining lambs.


  • Lamb Positioning: Practice handling and positioning using the fully articulating skeleton.
  • Anatomy Study: Examine detailed features like the skull, ribcage, pelvis, and umbilicus for injection training.
  • Tail Docking: Train on docking techniques using the natural lamb tail.
  • Realistic Handling: Develop skills with reinforced ears and durable hooves for lifelike simulation.
Artikel-Nr.: 1026068
Gewicht 3.22 kg
Größe 30.5 x 35.6 x 11.4 cm
Brand VSI
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