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10 airways, 1005783 [W45007], Adult Patient Care

10 airways

60.50 €
Item: 1005783 [W45007]

Buttock Injection Site, 1005787 [W45022], Adult Patient Care

Buttock Injection Site

79.86 €
Item: 1005787 [W45022]

GERi™/KERi™ Ostomy Set (2pcs), 1019627, Adult Patient Care

GERi™/KERi™ Ostomy Set (2pcs)

77.44 €
Item: 1019627

Carry Case. Hard for GERi™, KERi™, CPARLENE®, and CRiSis™ manikins, 1019725, Adult Patient Care

Carry Case. Hard for GERi™, KERi™, CPARLENE®, and CRiSis™ manikins

1,024.87 €
Item: 1019725
Free domestic shipping

Carrying bag, 1022368, Adult Patient Care

Carrying bag

425.92 €
Item: 1022368
Free domestic shipping

I.V. arm right for Keri and Geri, 1017827 [W44075IV], Adult Patient Care

I.V. arm right for Keri and Geri

1,322.53 €
Item: 1017827 [W44075IV]
Free domestic shipping 5 year warranty

The daily care of adult in hospital patients or adult patients in other healthcare settings is the responsibility of the nursing team. The training and qualification of the nurse today enables them to work in a variety of medical areas like doctor’s offices, nursing care facilities, home healthcare services and hospitals.

The skills and techniques a nurse is required to possess are trained with simulated patients – patient care manikins – and later on real patients. The medical training with simulators provides a safe environment for skill training, using direct feedback measures, the possibility for endless repetitions, as well as very realistic trainers and simulators.
These medical simulators offer a wide range of medical specialties from basic patient care like the patient positioning, the daily bath and oral hygiene to advanced skills like decubitus care, wound dressing, and catheterization.

The adult patient care manikins offered by 3B Scientific® have been designed specifically to meet the needs of scenario based nursing training. You can choose between full body manikins with a large number of training features, or more specific trainers for specialty simulation.