Las pruebas de consumo de drogas se realizan en dos formas: presuntiva y confirmatoria. Dados los costes ligados a la prueba confirmatoria, a menudo se emplea en primer lugar una investigación presuntiva. Si bien se tienen varias maneras de ...
Se trata de una prueba dividida en dos partes, útil para determinar si una superficie se ha visto expuesta a la descarga de un arma de fuego. Un rápido cambio de color tiene lugar con el fin de verificar la presencia de nitratos y plomo en ...
Prueba que recurre al uso de fenolftaleína para reconocer la presencia de sangre en objetos. La prueba de presunción no hace distinciones entre sangre animal o humana. Se necesitan más pruebas de serología para lograr una distinción entre estos ...
La química forense de «¿Quién fue?». El laboratorio configura el siguiente escenario:
Recurra a sus técnicas forenses para resolver el delito de las ranas desaparecidas del aula de clases de biologí ...
Often times, during a criminal investigation, police and crime scene investigators must use all available tools and pieces of evidence to work backwards and create the most likely scenario as to what might have occured. Different types of ...
Often times, when collecting evidence at a crime scene, investigators may recover substances they are unable to identify in the field. Along with evidence such as fingerprints, hair, fibers, etc., there may be traces of unknown chemicals or ...
Discover how forensic scientists use hair to assist in solving crimes. You will discover the differences between human and animal hair as well as differences among different types of human hair with this Forensic Chemistry of Hair analysis ...
Blood typing is a method of classifying blood based on the presence or absence of specific proteins, called antigens, on the surface of red blood cells. Blood type, an inherited characteristic, is valuable to know in that it affects medical ...
The Chemiluminescence in Bl sets up this crime scene scenario:
Crime scene investigators are called to the scene of a possible violent crime. They examine the scene for evidence, such as fingerprints, hair, fibers, etc. After ...
Learn to identify and classify differnt types of fingerprints. Students will learn how to identify different types of fingerprints and distinguishing characteristics, as well as dusting for fingerprints, the oldest and most commonly used method ...
Though the use of blood type in forensic investigations is not enough to prove guilt, it may aid in exonerating a potential suspect. In this activity, students act as lab technicians and assist investigators by examining evidence collected ...