ASSP for Surgical Cut Suit - Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Iliac, Bowel Injuries

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R$ 11.797,00 incl. ICMS
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New Product
The Advanced Surgical Skills Package (ASSP) – Stand-Alone Abdominal Package with injured liver,spleen, bowel, kidney, and iliac is designed to provide realistic hands-on experience in managing critical abdominal trauma cases. Optimized for use with the surgical cut suit, this training tool replicates a wide range of trauma and pathology scenarios affecting the liver, spleen, bowel, kidney, and iliac region.
Key Features:
  • Realistic Trauma Simulation: Replicates injuries to the liver, spleen, bowel, kidney, and iliac region for high-fidelity surgical training.
  • Seamless Integration: Designed for use with the OS3 / Patented Surgical Cut Suit, enhancing training realism.
  • Immersive Training Experience: Lifelike anatomical accuracy makes trainees feel as though they are working on a real patient.
  • Controlled Learning Environment: Allows for timeouts to facilitate instruction, education, and debriefing, ensuring a structured and repeatable training experience.
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Código do Produto: 1025860
Peso 4.53 kg
Dimensões 30 x 19 x 14 cm