Набор для изучения связи по оптическим каналам

Набор для изучения связи по оптическим каналам, 1008674 [U22055], Оптические телекоммуникации
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Complete experiment system for quantitative investigation of transmission of signals via optical media, plus the processes of optical multiplexing and de-multiplexing. To build a two-dimensional optical system of high precision, a magnetic bench with a printed grid is provided, upon which it is possible to write.

Experiment topics:
  • Glass fibers and optical telecommunications
  • Acceptance cone and optimization of coupling to a fiber optic cable
  • Absorption, effect of the length of the transmission line
  • Coupling losses
  • Diffraction by an optical grating and optical multiplexing
  • Dichroic filters and optical de-multiplexing
  • Spectral composition of light sources
  • Spectral dispersion and recomposition
  • Color and interference filters
  • Signal shaping and matching
  • Band width and limiting frequency
  • Calculation of theoretical band width
  • Optical diaphony
  • 1 Optical bench, 600x480 mm, for attachment of magnetic components
  • 8 Optical riders with magnetic base
  • 2 Movable riders, l = 25 mm, with magnetic base
  • 1 LED with collimating lens, in frame on stem, red
  • 1 LED with collimating lens, in frame on stem, blue
  • 1 Electronic signal transmitter, including power supply
  • 1 Electronic signal receiver, including power supply
  • 2 Phototransistors in housing on stem
  • 1 Fiber-optic cable with SMA plugs, 1 m
  • 1 Diffraction grating, 600 lines/mm
  • 1 Dichroic filter in housing on stem, blue
  • 1 Dichroic filter in housing on stem, yellow
  • 2 Converging lenses in housing on stem, f = 50 mm, 40 mm dia.
  • 1 Slide holder for gratings, on stem
  • Component holders and spring clips
  • Optical bench 600x480 mm²; Grid radials: 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°; Grid subdivisions: 5 cm, 1 cm
  • Weight: 12 kg approx.
Артикул: 1008674 [U22055]
Вес 12.52 kg

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