Пара катушек Гельмгольца на подставке

Пара катушек Гельмгольца на подставке, 1003193 [U21901], Магнитные поля
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The Helmholtz Coils generate a homogeneous magnetic field and can be used to determine the geometric properties of the Helmholtz configuration. Two coils are arranged parallel to each other and mounted on a robust metal base plate.

•Base plate includes a pocket for a magnetic field meter
•One coil and its holder are movable
•Coils can be connected in parallel or series
•Two scales are printed on the base plate for accurate measurements

Inductance:  L = 1.8 mH
Number of turns: 100 each
Average coil diameter: 125 mm
Coil width: 33 mm
Terminals: 4-mm safety sockets
Max permissible current: 5 A
Max coil separation: 240 mm
Scale division: mm
Base plate: 400 mm x 200 mm

Артикул: 1003193 [U21901]
Вес 1.985 kg
Размеры 40 x 20 cm
Торговая марка 3B Scientific

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