Электровакуумный прибор с отклоняющей системой модели D

Электровакуумный прибор с отклоняющей системой модели D, 1000651 [U19155], Электровакуумные трубки Teltron®
Электровакуумный прибор с отклоняющей системой модели D, 1000651 [U19155], Электровакуумные трубки Teltron®
Электровакуумный прибор с отклоняющей системой модели D, 1000651 [U19155], Электровакуумные трубки Teltron®
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Experiment Topics: ..
The following topics can be discussed with this highly evacuated tube: 
•  Investigate the deflection of an electron beam by a magnetic field
•  Investigate the deflection of an electron beam by an electric field
•  Build a velocity filter using orthogonal electric and magnetic fields
•  Estimate the specific charge e/m of an electron.

Product Information: ..
The electron-beam deflection tube comprises an electron gun which emits a narrow, focussed ribbon of cathode rays within an evacuated, clear glass bulb. A tungsten 'hairpin' filament hot cathode is heated directly and the anode takes the form of a cylinder. The deflection of rays can be achieved electrostatically by means of a built-in plate capacitor formed by the pair of deflection plates or magnetically with the help of the Helmholtz coils D (1000644) magnetically. The cathode rays are intercepted by a flat mica sheet, one side of which is coated with a fluorescent screen and the other side of which is printed with a centimetre graticule so that the path of the electrons can be easily traced. The mica sheet is held at 15° to the axis of the tube by the two deflecting plates.
The electron-beam deflection tube is intended for investigating the deflection of electron beams in electrical and magnetic fields. It can be used to estimate the specific charge of an electron e/m and to determine the electron velocity v.

Specifications: ..
Filament voltage U: max. 6.3 V AC/DC
Anode voltage U: 1000 V – 5000 V DC
Anode current I: 0.1 mA approx. at UA = 4000 V
Deflector plate voltage: max. 5000 V
Distance between plates: 54 mm approx
Fluorescent screen: 90 mm x 60 mm approx
Glass bulb: 130 mm Ø approx
Total length: 260 mm approx

Артикул: 1000651 [U19155]
Вес 0.25 kg
Размеры 26 x 13 cm
Торговая марка 3B Scientific Teltron

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