Комплект оборудования для опытов "Кривая гистерезиса"

Комплект оборудования для опытов "Кривая гистерезиса", 1018889 [U8557500], Магнетизм
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Apparatus for recording the magnetic flux density as a function of the magnetic field strength in different samples.

Dimensions of the iron samples:                                     approx. 140 mm x 10 mm  diam.

Number of turns:                                                                 850

Internal resistance:                                                             3.2 W

Inductance without core:                                                   3.2 mH

Dimensions:                                                                        approx. 200x145x65 mm³

Total weight:                                                                        approx. 470 g



Base plate with coil and holder for Hall sensors

3 Material samples (Vacon 11, spring steel and silver steel)
Артикул: 1018889 [U8557500]
Вес 1 kg
Размеры 20 x 14.5 x 6.5 cm
Торговая марка 3B Scientific

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