Люминесцентная лампа модели S

Люминесцентная лампа модели S, 1000615 [U18552], Электронные трубки S
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Experiment Topics: ..
The following topics can be discussed with this highly evacuated tube: 
•  Luminescence of different phosphors when excited by electrons (cathodoluminescence)
•  Luminescence of different phosphors when excited by ultraviolet light (photoluminescence).
•  Phosphorescence and quenching

Product Information: ..
The luminescence tube is a highly evacuated tube with an electron gun consisting of a pure tungsten heater filament inside an apertured “cathode can” and a cylindrical anode contained in a clear glass bulb. A screen with three mica flags with different phosphors is mounted on a metal support.
The luminescence tube serves to demonstrate the luminescence of different phosphors when excited by electrons (cathodoluminescence) or ultraviolet light (photoluminescence).

Specifications: ..
Filament voltageU: 6.3 V AC/DC
Anode voltage U: max. 5000 V DC approx.
Anode current I: 0.1 mA at 4000 V
Glass bulb: 130 mm Ø approx.
Total length: 250 mm approx.

Артикул: 1000615 [U18552]
Вес 0.223 kg
Размеры 35 x 28 x 22 cm
Торговая марка 3B Scientific Teltron

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