Электролитический лоток

Электролитический лоток, 1009884 [U51001], Электростатика
Электролитический лоток, 1009884 [U51001], Электростатика
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Equipment set for recording equipotential lines of electric fields. Electrodes of different shapes can be used to measure equipotential lines for a plate capacitor, dipole, induced surface charge and a Faraday beaker.
Trough dimensions: 160x105x65 mm³ approx.

1 Plastic trough
1 Stand with measurement electrode
2 Bar electrodes
2 Round disc electrodes
1 Ring electrode
20 Sheets of millimetre-grid paper
Артикул: 1009884 [U51001]
Вес 0.8 kg
Торговая марка 3B Scientific

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