This model shows the blossom of a wild cherry tree (3-parts) enlarged 7 times as well as a cherry fruit enlarged 3 times. The cherry blossom can be split into two halves to reveal the removable ovary with style and stigma.
Dimensions ...
Enlarged 12x life-size, 3-part Family:
Brassicaceae, formerly known as Crucifereae, is named for its Cross-like (Cruciferous) flower. Unique in the plant world for having 4 petals, Rapaseed does not follow Fibonacci&rsquo ...
The model shows the detail of an individual flower enlarged by a factor of about 8 to 1 and with a pollen scattering mechanism included. The true-to-life models can be dismantled into 12 parts for even greater clarity. On the base, there is ...
Cross section of a Creeping Buttercup stem with collateral open vascular bundles. The model shows the typical stem structure of a dicotyledon enlarged by a factor of 250.
Dimensions: approx. 28x7 cm²
Weight: approx. 0 ...
Enlarged 8x life-size, 2-part
Family: Solanaceae
In nature, the Potato flower branches usually divide into two stalks, each with multiple flowers. The gramopetalous corolla’s 5 points are radially symmetrical, marked by yellow lines ...
Enlarged 5x life-size
Family: Rosaceae
Species of woody plants and rose plants include trees, bushes, and hardy perennials. Rosaceae species are subdivided into 4 subfamilies: Spiraeoideae, Rosoideae, Maloideae (pomaceous ...
Lesser Celandine (Ficaria vema)
Enlarged 10x life-size, 1-part
Family: Ranunculaceae
The family of Ranunculaceae depicts an ancient flower structure. Also known as both the buttercup or crowfoot family the number of the flower parts are ...
Enlarged 10 - 20x life-size, 3 individual models
Family: Asteraceae
Dandelion belongs to the Asteraceae family of composite flowers. Characterized by numerous florets arranged in a dense inflorescence that is contained by overlapping ...
The chamomile plant belongs to the family popularly known as asters, composites, daisies or sunflowers (Asteroideae, formerly known as Compositae). In our models of the flower of a real chamomile, both inflorescences and individual flowers ...