Recommended by EMT (Emergency Medical Training) instructors, this model permits instruction of the delicate procedure for successfully managing chest wounds in which a collapsed lung interferes with the victim's respiration and blood flow ...
This manikin is designed to specifically teach the theory, anatomy and skills needed to manage pre-hospital chest trauma as well as ongoing chest tube maintenance. The right side of the manikin has two cut-away viewing areas to provide awareness ...
Chester Chest™ has been an industry standard since it was developed by VATA in 1986 for the teaching of central line care. The right chest area of the Chester Chest™ model has a 9.6Fr tunneled central catheter that is visible ...
The only available teaching model which allows review of the principles and tools necessary to validate the knowledge and skills needed for Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)lines. The rapid acceptance and use of PICCs creates a ...
The Life/Form Pericardiocentesis Simulator is designed to teach the skills needed for this difficult procedure correctly. The simulator has a pressurized tension pneumothorax site and a site for the surgical placement of functinal chest tube ...
The Life/form® NG Tube & Trach Skills Simulator has been developed to aid with the instruction, training and practice of vital tracheostomy skills and care for patients with respiratory conditions. The simulator is also designed ...
Reusable at a disposable price
The high- density polyethylene construction makes the reusable base and blocks resistant to punctures and tears while still being easy to clean and disinfect. Combined with disposable pads and straps for added ...
For use with Chester Chest with Standard Arm - 1021821
The Standard Arm for Chester Chest has a dual lumen 5Fr PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) exiting the basilic vein from the inner bicep area and a pre-positioned 20g IV ...
For use with the Life/form® Adult Tracheostomy Care Manikin (number upon request), Life/form® Patient Education Tracheostomy Care Set (W44460), and Life/form® NG Tube & Trach Skills Simulator (W99834 ...
For use with the Life/form® NG Tube and Trach Skills Simulator (W99834), Life/form® Pericardiocentesis Simulator (W486452), and Life/form® Chest Tube Manikin (W44673).
Represents wounds that result from explosions and chemical disasters. These simulated trauma wounds will assist in training exercises for military and government responders and anyone providing treatment to victims injured in disasters and ...
Kit contains multiple copies of several types of wounds associated with Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) or Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear-Explosive (CBRNE) attacks Face masks release fluids to mimic reactions such as sweating, tearing ...
For use with W46507/1
The Port Access Arm, which can be ordered to upgrade your existing Chester Chest, has a dual lumen 5Fr PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) exiting the basilic vein from the inner bicep area, which is ...
Practice Port (IVAD), only for use on simulator. Used as a replacement part for the CVC (central venous catheter) simulator Chester Chest™ W46507/1
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) manikins and simulators are used to train healthcare professionals in the assessment, treatment prioritizing, early management and stabilization of critical trauma patients. Skills taught with ATLS manikins include surgical, manual and diagnostic skills like airway and ventilation management including tracheostomy and cricothyroidotomy and thoracic trauma management.
3B Scientific® offers ATLS simulators for scenario-based training of emergency situations involving trauma patients.