Linear Expansion Apparatus with Three Pointers

Linear Expansion Apparatus with Three Pointers, 1000830 [U8442200], Thermal Expansion
Linear Expansion Apparatus with Three Pointers, 1000830 [U8442200], Thermal Expansion
$ 418.00
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Apparatus for measuring the linear expansion of different kinds of solids simultaneously. The set includes three sample tubes (steel, aluminium and glass) which are heated by passing steam through them. Linear expansion is indicated on a mirror scale by three differently coloured pointers mounted on rollers. Includes silicone tubing.
Dimensions of the tubes: approx. 700 mm x 6 mm dia.
Dimensions: approx. 830x80x70 mm³
Weight: approx. 1.2 kg


$ 319.00
$ 319.00
$ 13.00
Item No.: 1000830 [U8442200]
Weight 1.4 kg
Brand 3B Scientific
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