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Acupuncture Supplies
Anatomical Charts
Anatomical Models
Biology Supplies
Earth Science
Health Education
Medical Simulators
Therapy and Fitness
Veterinary Simulation
Acupuncture accessories
Acupuncture Carts
Acupuncture Charts and Models
Acupuncture Furniture
Acupuncture Needles
Cupping Glasses
Kinesiology Tape
Laser Acupuncture Devices
VINCO® Acupuncture Needles
Brain and Nervous system
Cardiovascular System
Cell Genetics
Chart accessories
Circulatory System
Digestive System
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
Emergency and CPR
Endocrine Glands
Immune System
Metabolic System
Parasitic, Viral or Bacterial Infection
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Respiratory System
Skeletal System
Speech Organs
The Lymphatic System
Urinary System
Anatomical Model Sets
Brain Models
Breast Models
Dental Models
Digestive System Models
Ear Models
Eye Models
Genital and Pelvis Models
Head Models
Human Heart Models
Human Skeleton Models
Human Skull Models
Human Spine Models
Human Torso Models
Joint Models
Lung Models
Microanatomy Models
Muscle Models
Nervous System Models
Pregnancy Models
Skin Models
Urology Models
Vertebra Models
Cellular Biology
Dissection Sets and Instrumentation
Embedded Specimens
Instrumentation and Lab Material
Kits and Experiments
Microscope and Microvideo Products
Microscope Slides LIEDER
Reproduction and Development
Science Activity Sets
Science Learning Systems
Atomic models
Chemistry Experiments and Chemistry Kits
Crystal models
Molecular Models
Molecular orbitals
Molecule Building Sets
pH-Value Determination
Physical chemistry
Anthropological Findings
Geo Equipment
Mineralogy and Petrography
Arthritis and Osteoporosis Education
Asthma and Allergies Education
Condom Trainers
Diabetic Teaching Tools
Drug and Alcohol Education
Food Replicas
Heart Health and Fitness Education
Men's Health Education
Nutrition Education
Obesity and Eating Disorders Education
Parenting Education
Pregnancy and Childbirth Education
Sex Education
Sun Safety Education
Tobacco Education
Women's Health Education
Advanced Life Support (ALS)
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Airway Management
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Clinical Skills Trainers
Emergency Rescue
High Realism Manikins
Immersive Education
Nursing Skills and Patient Care
Orthopedic Workshop Bones
Patient Monitor Simulators
Respiratory Simulation
Simulated Medications
Simulation Kits
TCCC Simulators
Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE)
Ultrasound Simulation
Virtual Dissection Table
Physics Experiments
Experiment Sets
Sensors and Software
Waves and Sound
Energy and the Environment
Heat and Thermodynamics
Electricity and Magnetism
Solid-State Physics
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Lab Material
Devices with safety transformers
Aids for Daily Living
Chiropractic Adjusting Tools
Electrotherapy Modalities
Exercise and Rehabilitation
Fitness Equipment
Home Traction Devices
Home-Training - Home Fitness
Hot and Cold Therapy
Kinesiology Taping
Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment
Mobility Aids
Personal Protective Equipment
Pilates Equipment
Positioning Material
Respiratory Monitors and Screeners
Therapy Books
Therapy Software
Treatment Furniture
Bovine Simulators
Canine Simulators
Disciplinary specialization
Equine Simulators
Euthanasia Training Simulators
Instrumentation and Lab Material
Swine and Ovis Simulators
Acupuncture Supplies
Acupuncture accessories
Acupuncture Carts
Acupuncture Charts and Models
Acupuncture Furniture
Acupuncture Needles
Cupping Glasses
Kinesiology Tape
Laser Acupuncture Devices
VINCO® Acupuncture Needles
Anatomical Charts
Brain and Nervous system
Cardiovascular System
Cell Genetics
Chart accessories
Circulatory System
Digestive System
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
Emergency and CPR
Endocrine Glands
Immune System
Metabolic System
Parasitic, Viral or Bacterial Infection
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Respiratory System
Skeletal System
Speech Organs
The Lymphatic System
Urinary System
Anatomical Models
Anatomical Model Sets
Brain Models
Breast Models
Dental Models
Digestive System Models
Ear Models
Eye Models
Genital and Pelvis Models
Head Models
Human Heart Models
Human Skeleton Models
Human Skull Models
Human Spine Models
Human Torso Models
Joint Models
Lung Models
Microanatomy Models
Muscle Models
Nervous System Models
Pregnancy Models
Skin Models
Urology Models
Vertebra Models
Biology Supplies
Cellular Biology
Dissection Sets and Instrumentation
Embedded Specimens
Instrumentation and Lab Material
Kits and Experiments
Microscope and Microvideo Products
Microscope Slides LIEDER
Reproduction and Development
Science Activity Sets
Science Learning Systems
Atomic models
Chemistry Experiments and Chemistry Kits
Crystal models
Molecular Models
Molecular orbitals
Molecule Building Sets
pH-Value Determination
Physical chemistry
Earth Science
Anthropological Findings
Geo Equipment
Mineralogy and Petrography
Health Education
Arthritis and Osteoporosis Education
Asthma and Allergies Education
Condom Trainers
Diabetic Teaching Tools
Drug and Alcohol Education
Food Replicas
Heart Health and Fitness Education
Men's Health Education
Nutrition Education
Obesity and Eating Disorders Education
Parenting Education
Pregnancy and Childbirth Education
Sex Education
Sun Safety Education
Tobacco Education
Women's Health Education
Medical Simulators
Advanced Life Support (ALS)
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Airway Management
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Clinical Skills Trainers
Emergency Rescue
High Realism Manikins
Immersive Education
Nursing Skills and Patient Care
Orthopedic Workshop Bones
Patient Monitor Simulators
Respiratory Simulation
Simulated Medications
Simulation Kits
TCCC Simulators
Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE)
Ultrasound Simulation
Virtual Dissection Table
Physics Experiments
Experiment Sets
Sensors and Software
Waves and Sound
Energy and the Environment
Heat and Thermodynamics
Electricity and Magnetism
Solid-State Physics
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Lab Material
Devices with safety transformers
Therapy and Fitness
Aids for Daily Living
Chiropractic Adjusting Tools
Electrotherapy Modalities
Exercise and Rehabilitation
Fitness Equipment
Home Traction Devices
Home-Training - Home Fitness
Hot and Cold Therapy
Kinesiology Taping
Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment
Mobility Aids
Personal Protective Equipment
Pilates Equipment
Positioning Material
Respiratory Monitors and Screeners
Therapy Books
Therapy Software
Treatment Furniture
Veterinary Simulation
Bovine Simulators
Canine Simulators
Disciplinary specialization
Equine Simulators
Euthanasia Training Simulators
Instrumentation and Lab Material
Swine and Ovis Simulators
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Measurement procedures
Spherometer (UE1010100) ― Determine the radius of curvature of watch glasses
Measurement of an irregularly shaped body (UE1010200)
Measure the gravitational force and determine the gravitational constant using a Cavendish torsion balance (UE1010300)
Hooke’s Law (UE1020100): Confirm Hooke’s law for coil springs under tension
Verification of the law of the lever (UE1020200)
Experimental investigation of the vector addition of forces (UE1020300)
Determine the forces acting on an inclined plane (UE1020400)
Measurement of friction forces (UE1020500)
Determining buoyant updraught as a function of immersion depth (UE1020850)
Translational motions
Measurement of instantaneous velocity as a function of distance covered (UE1030250)
Record and evaluate motion with uniform acceleration on a roller track (UE1030260)
Laws of Collisions (UE1030280): Investigate uni-dimensional collisions on an air track
Determine the acceleration due to gravity (UE1030300)
Plotting the “parabolic” trajectories point by point (UE1030400)
Investigate elastic and inelastic collisions between two objects on a plane (UE1030600)
Confirm the law of equal areas for central force motions (UE1030700)
Rotational motions
Confirm Newton’s equation of motion (UE1040101)
Determine the moment of inertia of a horizontal rod with additional weights attached (UE1040201)
Determine the moment of inertia for various test bodies (UE1040205)
Precession and Nutation of a Gyroscope (UE1040500)
Measuring the period of oscillation of a string pendulum with bobs of various masses (UE1050101)
Description of elliptical oscillations of a string pendulum as the superimposition of two components perpendicular to one another (UE1050121)
Measure the period of an oscillating pendulum as a function of the effective acceleration due to gravity (UE1050201)
Kater’s Reversible Pendulum (UE1050221): Work out the local acceleration due to gravity with the help of a reversible pendulum
Demonstrate the rotation of the earth with a Foucault pendulum (UE1050250)
Measure the oscillations of a coil spring pendulum using an ultrasonic motion sensor (UE1050311)
Measurement and analysis of simple harmonic rotary oscillation (UE1050500)
Measurement and analysis of forced harmonic rotary oscillation (UE1050550)
Record and evaluate oscillation of two identical coupled pendulums (UE1050600)
Investigate standing waves along a stretched coil spring and a taut rope (UE1050700)
Measuring the propagation time of sound pulses in Kundt's tube (UE1070310)
Generate and measure standing sound waves in Kundt’s tube (UE1070320)
Propagation of Sound in Rods (UE1070410): Investigation of longitudinal sound waves in cylindrical rods and determination of propagation velocity for longitudinal sound waves
Determine the speeds of sound propagated by longitudinal and transversal waves in solids (UE1070530)
Determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquids (UE1070550)
Mechanics of Liquids and Gases
Determine the dynamic viscosity of an aqueous solution of glycerine (UE1080350)
Measure the surface tension by the “break-away” method (UE1080400)
Deformation of solid bodies
Bending of Flat Beams (UE1090200): Measurement of deformation of flat beams supported at both ends and determination of modulus of elasticity
Torsion on Cylindrical Rods (UE1090300): Determination of torsional coefficients and shear modulus
Thermal expansion
Determine the coefficients of expansion for brass, steel and glass (UE2010130)
Determine the temperature where water reaches its maximum density (UE2010301)
Heat transport
Measure conduction of heat in metal bars (UE2020100)
Measure the heat radiated by a Leslie cube (UE2020200)
Internal Energy
Increase of internal energy by mechanical work (UE2030300)
Increase internal energy by means of electrical work (UE2030400)
Gas laws
Measuring at room temperature in air as an ideal gas (UE2040100)
Amontons’ Law (UE2040120): Verify the linear relationship between the pressure and temperature of an ideal gas
Determine the adiabatic index for air using Rüchardt’s method (UE2040200)
Quantitative analysis of a real gas and determining its critical point (UE2040300)
Thermodynamic cycles
Operate a functional model of a Stirling engine as a heat engine (UE2060100)
Record a p-V diagram (UE2060250)
Record and analyse the pressure-enthalpy diagram for a compression heat pump (UE2060300)
Measure the electric field in a plate capacitor using the electric field meter (UE3010700)
Measure the electrostatic voltage as a function of the distance between the plates (UE3010800)
Charge transport and current
Demonstrate the electric current generated by the motion of charged droplets of water (UE3020100)
Determine the electrical conductivity of copper and aluminium (UE3020200)
Determine the value of certain resistances (UE3020200)
Verification of Ohm’s law (UE3020320)
Measure voltage and current in circuits featuring resistors in series and in parallel (UE3020330).
Measure the voltage and current for a voltage divider with and without a load (UE3020340)
Determine the Faraday constant (UE3020700)
Magnetic fields
Measure the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field (UE3030300)
Electric Balance (UE3030350): Measurement of the force exerted on a current-carrying conductor located inside a magnetic field
Determine the magnetic field generated by coils of various lengths (UE3030500)
Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the earth’s magnetic field (UE3030700)
Generating a voltage pulse in a conducting loop by the motion of a permanent magnet (UE3040100)
Measure the induced voltage in a conductor made into a loop as it moves through a magnetic field (UE3040200)
Induction Through a Varying Magnetic Field (UE3040300): Measuring the voltage induced in an induction coil
Demonstrate and investigate how an eddy-current brake works (UE3040400)
Make measurements on a transformer with and without load (UE3040500)
Direct and alternating current (DC and AC)
Investigation of how the voltage across a capacitor changes over time when the capacitor is charging or discharging (UE3050101)
Determine the charging and discharging times (UE3050105)
Determine the impedance of a capacitor as a function of capacitance and frequency (UE3050111)
Investigation of how the current through a coil changes over time when the DC supply is turned on and off (UE3050201)
Determine inductive impedance as a function of inductance and frequency (UE3050211)
Determine the AC resistance in a circuit with capacitive and resistive loads (UE3050301)
Determine the AC resistance in a circuit with inductive and resistive loads (UE3050311)
Determining impedance in a circuit with an inductive and a capacitive reactance (UE3050321)
Investigate the resonance response of a series LC resonant circuit (UE3050400)
Electromagnetic oscillations and waves
Demonstrate and investigate the phenomena of interference, diffraction and polarisation using microwaves (UE3060300)
Electron tubes
Record the characteristic for a thermionic diode (UE3070100)
Record the characteristics for a thermionic triode (UE3070200)
Demonstrate the straight-line propagation of electrons in the absence of any field (UE3070300)
Determine the polarity of the charge-carriers (UE3070400)
Investigate the deflection of electrons by electric and magnetic fields (UE3070500)
Determine the specific charge of an electron (UE3070700)
Study the physical principles of the time-resolved display of electrical signals using an oscilloscope (UE3070800)
Demonstrate the superposition of magnetic fields in a vacuum (UE3070850)
Components and basic circuits
Measure the characteristic curves relevant to an npn transistor (UE3080200)
Measure the characteristics of a field effect transistor (UE3080300)
Geometric Optics
Reflection in a Mirror (UE4010000): Investigate reflection from a plane mirror and a curved mirror
Refraction of Light (UE4010020): Investigate refraction of light by various optical components
Determine the focal length of a lens using the Bessel method (UE4010100)
Record and interpret transmission spectra of transparent bodies (UE4020400)
Wave optics
Diffraction by a Single Slit (UE4030100):Demonstrate the wave nature of light and determine the wavelength
Demonstrate the wave nature of light and determine the wavelength (UE4030200)
Generating interference between two beams using a Fresnel biprism (UE4030300)
Observe Newton’s rings in monochromatic light (UE4030350)
Demonstrate and investigate how a Michelson interferometer works (UE4030410)
Demonstration of “quantum erasure” in an experiment by analogy (UE4030520)
Verify Malus’ law for linearly polarised light (UE4040100)
Investigate the rotation of the plane of polarisation by sugar solutions (UE4040300)
Pockels Effect (UE4040500): Demonstration of Pockels effect in a conoscopic beam path
Demonstrate the Faraday effect and determine the Verdet constant for flint glass (UE4040600)
Intensity of Radiation
Verify the inverse square law for the intensity of radiation from a source of light (UE4050100)
Verify that intensity of radiation is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature (UE4050200)
Velocity of light
Determine the velocity of light from the transit time of short light pulses (UE4060100)
Set up and optimise an Nd:YAG laser (UE4070310)
Q-switching circuit for Nd:YAG laser with Cr:YAG module (UE4070320)
Frequency doubling inside the resonator of a Nd:YAG laser (UE4070330)
Prism Spectrometer (UE4080100): Set up and calibrate a prism spectrometer
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Fundamentals of Atomic Physics
Determine Planck’s constant using the decelerating voltage method (UE5010200)
Viewing the atomic structure on the surface of graphite and gold (UE5010300)
Millikan’s Experiment (UE5010400):Carry out Millikan’s experiment to onfirm the value of the elementary charge with the help of charged oil drops
Observe the diffraction of electrons on polycrystalline graphite and confirm the wave nature of electrons (UE5010500)
Atomic shells
Record and interpret the Balmer series of lines for hydrogen other line spectra in the visible region (UE5020100)
Carry out high-precision measurements of absorption and emission lines (UE5020150)
Record and evaluate the Franck-Hertz curve for mercury (UE5020300)
Record and evaluate the Franck-Hertz curve for neon and observe emission of light (UE5020400)
Determine the critical potentials of a helium atom (UE5020500)
Magnetic Resonance
Demonstrate electron spin resonance in DPPH (UE5030100)
Demonstrate and compare nuclear magnetic resonance in glycerine, polystyrene and Teflon (UE5030200)
Solid-State Physics
Conduction Phenomena
Determine band separation in germanium (UE6020100)
Investigating electrical conduction mechanisms in doped germanium with the Hall effect (UE6020200)
Photoconductivity (UE6020400): Record the characteristic curve for a photoresistor
Record characteristics for various thermocouples and determine their sensitivity (UE6020500)
X-Ray Physics
Determine the lattice constants for crystals with a structure similar to salt (NaCl) (UE7010100)
Energy spectroscopy
Non-destructive analysis of chemical composition (UE7020100)
Energy and Environment
Photovoltaic Systems (UE8020100): Record the characteristics of a photovoltaic module (solar cell) as a function of the luminosity
Photovoltaic Systems (UE8020200): Investigate how partial shading affects photovoltaic systems
Photovoltaic Systems (UE8020250): Investigation of an island grid or microgrid used to generate and store electrical energy