1025179 offers a 3D display with active shutter glasses, as well as two haptic devices for two-handed work. Various applications can be installed, also from other specialties. It is particularly suitable for stationary training in hospitals ...
1025180 offers a 3D display with active shutter glasses, as well as two haptic devices for two-handed work. Various applications can be installed, also from other specialties. It is particularly suitable for stationary training in hospitals ...
1025181 offers a Autostereoscopic Display, as well as two haptic devices for two-handed work.This innovative technology makes it possible to see brilliant three-dimensional images on the screen, without having to wear 3D glasses. An integrated ...
1025182 offers a Autostereoscopic Display, as well as two haptic devices for two-handed work.This innovative technology makes it possible to see brilliant three-dimensional images on the screen, without having to wear 3D glasses. An integrated ...
Utilisez ce simulateur ergonomique pour enseigner l'insertion d'un tube nasogastrique et les soins. L'œsophage et l'estomac sont dans la tête pour faciliter le rangement et le transport vers différentes classes ...
AR403 DIGITAL EYE RETINOPATHY TRAINER includes 36 diabetic, common and less common retinal conditions to offer excellent ‘hands-on’ experience in examination of the eyes and the use of an ophthalmoscope ...
AR402-B DIGITAL EAR EXAMINATION TRAINER and popular AR403-B DIGITAL EYE RETINOPATHY TRAINER are available together in an educational set ideal for any clinical skills setting.
Le développement des compétences de diagnostic en otoscopie est un défi pour tous les néophytes – OtoSim 2™ apporte une capacité d’apprentissage vérifiable dans le cadre ...
La formation à l’ophtalmoscopie OphthoSim™ est un système de simulation pratique qui transforme radicalement la façon dont les étudiants apprennent à diagnostiquer et à traiter les pathologies ...
OtoSim 2™
Le contenu et les fonctionnalités d’enseignement/de développement des compétences du simulateur OtoSim 2™ incluent :
Utilisation de l’instrument
Identification des ...
AR402 DIGITAL EAR EXAMINATION TRAINER has been designed to facilitate the most realistic training experience in ear examination.
Using high resolution digital screen technology, the trainer includes 48 common and less common ...
AR402 DIGITAL EAR EXAMINATION TRAINER has been designed to facilitate the most realistic training experience in ear examination.
Using high resolution digital screen technology, the trainer includes 48 common and less common ...
AR403 DIGITAL EYE RETINOPATHY TRAINER includes 36 diabetic, common and less common retinal conditions to offer excellent ‘hands-on’ experience in examination of the eyes and the use of an ophthalmoscope ...
AR402-B DIGITAL EAR EXAMINATION TRAINER and popular AR403-B DIGITAL EYE RETINOPATHY TRAINER are now available together in an educational set ideal for any clinical skills setting.
The AR402-B DIGITAL ...
Virtual Ear Surgery Simulator
VOXEL-MAN Tempo is a unique training simulator for temporal bone surgery. It allows for realistic handling of the drill and a suction, and is ideally suited to gain a thorough understanding of ...
Surgical Training Cases from CT and CBCT
VOXEL-MAN My Cases is an optional application for the VOXEL-MAN ENT and VOXEL-MAN Dental training simulators. With this app, you can create your own training cases from your ...
Virtual Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Simulator
For an ENT resident, the nose with all its paranasal sinuses can be quite a labyrinth. But with a number of critical structures in the immediate vicinity, a proper orientation is of vital importance ...
Ce simulateur permet la pratique d’auscultations auditives. Il est composé d’une tête avec 6 oreilles interchangeables, fabriquées dans un matériau élastique avec un respect fidèle des structures ...
pour W44122
Ce jeu contient 4 oreilles pour le diagnostic des pathologies suivantes :
• infection chronique de l’oreille moyenne avec perforation importante
• cholestéatome dans Récessus (A)
• cholest ...
Désormais, avec un nouveau simulateur très intéressant, les étudiants, internes et praticiens en exercice peuvent maîtriser les compétences nécessaires à l'examen de l'oreille humaine ...
Module complémentaire au simulateur d’OtoSim 2™, qui met l’accent sur l’otoscopie pneumatique. L’expérience pratique de l’insufflation et de l’otoscopie et l’utilisation d&rsquo ...
Mise à niveau logicielle avec un ensemble de 3 applications (créateur d’image, annotateur d’image et présentateur de diapositives) permettant aux enseignants des soins de santé de personnaliser leurs ...