El carro para dispositivos médicos con soporte para tablet de 12,9” ahora puede funcionar como monitor, desfibrilador o respirador. Es la solución idónea para realizar simulaciones de alta fidelidad en la prá ...
La suave máscara acolchada ofrece un sellado seguro, mientras que la válvula unidireccional y el filtro protege al personal de rescate.
Incluye un cinta para la cabeza y un resistente estuche de almacenaje y transporte.
Respuesta avanzada, generación de informes y control
Almacena la energía generada por las compresiones torácicas para la energía. Sin el uso de baterías o cables de alimentación, el entrenador ...
Advanced Sanitary CPR Dog provides each student with their own sanitary muzzle and nosepiece with a one-way valve.
The muzzles may be disinfected and reused, while the nosepieces and lower airways are disposable.
Basic Sanitary CPR Dog provides each student with their own sanitary muzzle and nosepiece with a one-way valve.
The muzzles may be disinfected and reused, while the nosepieces and lower airways are disposable.
Upgrade five of your existing adult/child CPR Prompt® manikins to CPR Prompt® Plus powered by Heartisense®
Kit will upgrade your manikin to make it a professional-quality, 2019 AHA Compliant manikin at a fraction of ...
Set of 6 Dark Little Anne manikins all stacked together in a convenient wheeled suitcase. Manikins are bluetooth enabled for connection to the QCPR App which provides objective feedback for training quality improvement.
Set of 6 Light Little Anne manikins all stacked together in a convenient wheeled suitcase. Manikins are bluetooth enabled for connection to the QCPR App which provides objective feedback for training quality improvement.
Universal AED Trainer in a carry case designed for classroom efficiency. The AED Trainer is developed to be used for anyone providing Community First Aid, BLS and ILS courses and also applicable for some ALS curriculum scenarios. The ...
A 3-pack of universal AED Trainers in individual carry cases. The AED Trainer is developed to be used for anyone providing Community First Aid, BLS and ILS courses and also applicable for some ALS curriculum scenarios. The product is designed ...
A replacement unit of the universal AED Trainer. The AED Trainer is developed to be used for anyone providing Community First Aid, BLS and ILS courses and also applicable for some ALS curriculum scenarios. The product is designed for ...
The AED Trainer 2 offers an affordable alternative for educating the layperson and healthcare provider in the effective use of an automated external defibrillator. Realistic trainer which simulates the HeartStart FR2 AED in appearance ...