该骨内输液/股骨通路腿部模型可直接安装于儿童气道管理/CPR躯干模型之上。可供进行骨内输液练习,具备可触及的标记,包括髌骨、胫骨和胫骨粗隆;可更换的骨骼和皮肤,以及一个加压系统,可使流体抽吸。就股骨通路而言,其特征包含可触及的动脉搏动、因为加压静脉系统而产生的逼真的回流、可供更换的注射垫,以及一条有铰接关节的腿部,可准确摆放位置。含15-Ga.骨内输液针头。尺寸为: 32" x 7" x 8".
This multipurpose training arm provides all features of a conventional intravenous arm, as well as the ability to practice intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. Use of this superior simulator provides a safe and sanitary teaching and learning ...
Now 100% Latex-Free!The Venipuncture Training Aid has two barely discernible blue veins of different inside diameters, positioned at the same depth in a semi-transparent, soft tissue-like material.
Now 100% Latex-Free! The Venipuncture Training Aid has four barely discernable blue veins in three different sizes with a fourth vein more deeply placed. Your patients don’t have one size veins, so why practice on a “one size vein fits all ...
For use with Life/form® Infant CRiSis™ Manikins. Caution: Use only Life/form® Replacements. Do not use conventional latex tubing. This will cause malfunctioning of the simulator.