Experiment: Voltage on a Plate Capacitor (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Experiment: Voltage on a Plate Capacitor (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000604 [UE3010800-230], Electrostatics
Objective: Measure the electrostatic voltage as a function of the distance between the plates

To increase the distance between the charged plates of a plate capacitor after removing their external conne ctions, mechanical work must be performed. This can be demonstrated by measuring the resulting increase of the voltage between the plates using an electrostatic voltmeter.


电场测量仪, 1021405 [U8557820-230], 静电学


1021405 [U8557820-230]
Plate Capacitor D, 1006798 [U8492355], 静电学

Plate Capacitor D

1006798 [U8492355]
直流电源, 0-20 V, 0-5 A
, 1003312 [U33020-230], 供电器

直流电源, 0-20 V, 0-5 A

1003312 [U33020-230]
模拟万用表ESCOLA 30, 1013526 [U8557330], 手持模拟测量仪器

模拟万用表ESCOLA 30

1013526 [U8557330]
产品编号: 8000604 [UE3010800-230]
3B 科技 产品型号 3B Scientific
