1. Apex diaphragm
2. Apex bell
3. Apex bell (light pressure)
Moderate MS – selective removal of events
4. Apex
5. Apex OS removed
6. Apex MDM removed
Severe MS – sinus tachycardia
7. Apex
Severy MS – Atrial fibrillation
8. Apex
9. Apex short cycle isolated
10. Apex long cycle isolated
Moderate MS with anemia, fever, tachycardia
11. Apex
12. Apex
Mixed mitral regurgitation and MS, Atrial fibrillation
13. Apex
Moderate MS – pulmonic area
14. 2 LICS respirations
Moderate MS – aortic area
15. 2 RICS
Constrictive pericarditis
16. 4 LICS