Geared Motor with Pulley

Geared Motor with Pulley, 1017735 [U8498304], STUDENT KITS - Accessory
The geared motor with string pulley is used in conjunction with the Solar Energy Student Experiment Kit as a load for demonstrating conversion of energy. The motor is mounted on a base plate and has a pulley attached for a string. Power is supplied via 4-mm safety sockets. Weights of up to approximately 1 kg can be lifted.

Power supply:                    max. 12 V DC
Load current: max. 320 mA
Torque:          0.21 Nm
Speed:           116 rpm with no load
Connectors:  4-mm safety sockets
Dimensions: 105 x 75 x 45 mm3 approx.
Weight:          220 g approx.
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