School Set D (supplement for A, B and C) - English Slides

School Set D (supplement for A, B and C) - English Slides, 1004264 [W13439], English
School Set D (supplement for A, B and C) - English Slides, 1004264 [W13439], English
50 Slides.

• Ciliated epithelium, in t.s. of fallopian tube of pig
• Tendon of cow, l.s. showing white fibrous tissue, stained for fibres and cells
• Heart muscle, human, t.s. and l.s., branched fibres with central nuclei and intercalated discs
• Lymph gland of pig, t.s. showing lymphoid tissue
• Esophagus of cat, t.s. with stratified squamous epithelium, muscular layers
• Stomach of cat, t.s. through fundic region showing gastric glands
• Large intestine (colon), t.s. special stained for the mucous cells
• Pancreas of pig, sec. showing islets of Langerhans
• Thyroid gland of pig, sec. showing glandular epithelium and colloid
• Adrenal gland of cat, t.s. through cortex and medulla
• Sperm of bull (spermatozoa), smear
• Motor nerve cells, smear from spinal cord of cow showing w.m. of motor nerve cells and their
• Cerebrum, human, t.s. of cortex showing pyramidal cells and fibrous region
• Human skin from palm, v.s. showing cornified epidermis, germinative zone, sweat glands

• Distomum hepaticum (Fasciola), the beef liver fluke, w.m. and stained for general study of
internal organs
• Taenia spec., tapeworm, w.m. of mature proglottids
• Culex pipiens, mosquito, head and piercing- sucking mouth parts of female, w.m.
• Culex pipiens, mosquito, head and reduced mouth parts of male, w.m.
• Cimex lectularius, bed bug, w.m. of adult specimen

Cytology and Genetics
• Mitochondria, in thin sec. through liver or kidney, special staining technique
• Golgi apparatus, t.s. through spinal ganglion, special staining
• Chloroplasts, in leaf of Elodea or Mnium, special
• Aleurone grains, in sec. of Ricinus endosperm
• Storage, section of liver or kidney, vital stained with trypan-blue to demonstrate storage in
epithelial cells
• DNA in cell nuclei, demonstrated by Feulgen staining technique
• DNA and RNA, fixed and stained with methyl green and pyronine to show DNA and RNA in
different colors
• Giant chromosomes from the salivary gland of Chironomus. Individual genes and puffs can be
• Human chromosomes, spread in the stage of metaphase, for counting chromosomes
• Meiotic and mitotic stages in sec. of crayfish testis. Nuclear spindles are present
• Maturation divisions in ova of Ascaris megalocephala, different stages, ironhematoxylin stained
• Cleavage stages in ova of Ascaris megalocephala, ironhematoxylin stained

Bacteria and Diseased Organs of Man
• Escherichia coli, bacteria from colon, probably pathogenic, smear Gram stained
• Eberthella typhi, causing typhoid fever, smear from culture, Gram stained
• Tuberculous lung, t.s. of diseased human lung showing military tubercles in tissue
• Coal dust lung (Anthracosis pulmonum), t.s. of human smoker's lung
• Liver cirrhosis of man caused by alcohol abuse, t.s. showing degeneration of liver cells
• Arteriosclerosis, t.s. of diseased human coronary artery showing sclerotic changes in the arterial
• Metastatic carcinoma (cancer) of human liver, t.s.

• Sea-urchin development (Psammechinus miliaris), composite slide with two cell, four cell and eight
cell stages
• Sea-urchin development (Psammechinus miliaris), composite slide with morula, blastula and
gastrula stages
• Frog embryology (Rana spec.), sec. trough the blastula stage showing the blastocoel
• Frog embryology (Rana spec.), sag. sec. through young larva in the tail bud stage, with
primordia of organs

Ecology and Environment
• Leaf (needle) of fir (Abies), two t.s. of leaves, healthy and damaged by environmental
influences (acid rain)
• Leaf of beech (Fagus), two t.s. of leaves, healthy and damaged by environmental influences
(acid rain)
• Bacteria from waste-water, smear with many typical forms

• Nostoc, blue green alga, filamentous colonies within gelatinous sheaths
• Desmids (Desmidiaceae), strewn slide of various species
• Sphagnum, peat moss, w.m. of leaf showing chlorophyll-bearing and hyaline cells.
• Triticum, wheat, t.s. of stem of a gramineous plant with central pith and circular arrangement of
• Salvia, sage, t.s. of a square stem with angular collenchyma
Item No.: 1004264 [W13439]
Weight 0.4 kg
MPN: 750_EN
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