Skillqube cooperates with 3B Scientific at MEDICA 2019
Skillqube Training operates the largest International Training Center (ITC) of the American Heart Association (AHA) in the D-A-CH region. They also specialize in simulation team trainings and instructor courses for healthcare professionals. With its own ECG patient simulation systems and audio-video debriefing systems, SKILLQUBE supports education and training in preclinical care worldwide.
In January 2019, Skillqube and 3B Scientific signed a joint cooperation agreement aimed at improving the education and training of pre-clinical personnel through the distribution of patient simulation systems worldwide. Skillqube complements the extensive 3B Scientific product portfolio of highly-realistic medical simulators and support 3B Scientific’s worldwide distribution with their expertise in the field of pre-clinical simulation.
As part of this cooperation, Skillqube and 3B Scientific often collaborate at trade fairs such as MEDICA this year, showcasing their newest patient simulators with realistic and functional simulated patient monitors, as well as audio-video debriefing systems for different types of training settings.
If you would like to learn more about the current line of Skillqube simulators and debriefing systems, please visit this link to request further information.
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