Simulatore di Parto SIMone

Simulatore di Parto SIMone, 1019599 [P80/1], Ostetricia
Simulatore di Parto SIMone, 1019599 [P80/1], Ostetricia
Simulatore di Parto SIMone, 1019599 [P80/1], Ostetricia
Simulatore di Parto SIMone, 1019599 [P80/1], Ostetricia
Simulatore di Parto SIMone, 1019599 [P80/1], Ostetricia
Simulatore di Parto SIMone, 1019599 [P80/1], Ostetricia
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Articolo con 3 anni di Garanzia
Latex free
Simulate high stress situations with the SIMone birthing simulator!

Using patented haptic response technology, SIMone gives you a unique training experience. The level of realism is additionally heightened though a specially developed visual and audio interface.

The monitoring software provides information on the progress of the birth and allows training in intervention both through the use of medication and the use of vacuum or forceps to complete a delivery. The force feedback mechanism allows the trainee to learn the haptic skills necessary to give confidence when performing these procedures.

The birth simulator, SIMone, is a model of a female abdomen with a vulva and the spina ischiadica as landmarks.  Inside the simulator is a fetal head with the sagittal suture and fontanelle for determining the position and approach of the head.  The 19" flat screen monitor with an easy to use touchscreen, displays an exact image of the position and rotation of the fetal head within the maternal pelvis.  A variety of delivery scenarios are presented in the application software for model based training.  The cardiotocograph and partogram support the assessment and progress of the delivery scenario.  The administration of medication or amniotomy are interventions that may be used in order to achieve the necessary progress during the delivery. 

In addition to learning the necessary haptic skills, the SIMone Birthing Simulator trains the student in:
  • recognizing the right moment to select/suggest a vaginal assisted delivery
  • the correct handling of medical instruments for instrumental delivery (forceps or vacuum)
  • assessing the position of the fetal head in relation to the maternal pelvis
  • labor management using a partogram
  • the administration of medication to achieve the necessary progress during the delivery
  • interpreting fetal heartbeat and contraction of the uterus through use of CTG
  • interpreting respiratory sounds
  • interpreting the sounds of pain experienced by the mother

SIMone gives the opportunity to practice an instrumental delivery in a realistic manner - over and over again with little or no set up time! In fact it takes less than 60 seconds to commence a new birthing scenario.

Accessories included:
  • 1 Vacuum extractor Menox 60mm
  • 1 Vacuum hand pump
  • 1 Naegele forceps
  • 200 ml lubricant
  • Latex free disposable gloves, size M/L
  • 2 replacement genital inserts
  • Assembly tool
  • Operating Manual

Weight:       189 kg/416.7 lb
Length:       200 cm/ 78.74 in
Width:         100 cm/39.37 in
Height:        175 cm/68.9 in
Voltage:      110-240 V
Frequency:    50-60 Hz

P80 Study: Expert assessment (PDF)



Materiali di consumo

124,95 €

Parti di ricambio

53,79 €
712,81 €
Spedizione nazionale ...
487,90 €
Spedizione nazionale ...
139,23 €
462,91 €
Spedizione nazionale ...
Art. No.: 1019599 [P80/1]
Peso 154 kg
Dimensioni 100 x 85 x 143 cm
Marca 3B Scientific
  • Pagamenti sicuri con SSL
  • A disposizione per consigli
  • Fatturazione elettronica per PA
Servizio clienti: +39 051 790505

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