20 Microscope Slides:
1(f). Planaria, (Turbellaria) w.m.
2(c). Planaria, t.s. for general structure
3(f). Fasciola hepatica, large liver fluke, w.m.
4(c). Fasciola, t.s. of middle region of body
5(f). Taenia sp., tapeworm, proglottids ...
12 Microscope Slides:
1(e). Garden spider, chelicera and pedipalp, female, w.m.
2(b). Garden spider, w.m. of leg
3(d). Garden spider, w.m. of spinnerets
4(e). Garden spider, abdomen with book-lungs l.s.
5(f). Garden spider, l.s. of the ...
15 Microscope Slides:
1(d). Chiton sp., t.s. of body
2(e). Anodonta, mussel, t.s. of body
3(d). Mya arenaria, clam, t.s. and l.s. of gills with ciliated epithelium
4(d). Mussel, t.s. of siphonal tube
5(d). Mya arenaria, clam, adductor ...
10 Microscope Slides:
1(d). Asterias, starfish, t.s. of ray
2(e). Young starfish, horizontal sec.
3(f). Asterias, starfish, bipinnaria larva, w.m.
4(d). Echinus, young sea urchin, radial section
5(e). Development of sea urchin, eggs ...
10 Microscope Slides:
1(f). Botryllus schlosseri, tunicate colony, w.m.
2(e). Clavelina, tunicate, l.s. showing gill, intestine, gonads
3(d). Clavelina, t.s. region of gills and intestine
4(f). Balanoglossus, t.s. region of gonads
5 ...
25 Microscope Slides
The collection of microscope slides includes the most important pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria:
1(d). Staphylococcus aureus, pus organism 2(d). Sarcina lutea, chromogenic rods 3(e). Streptococcus pyogenes ...
30 Microscope Slides:
Cyanophyceae 1(c). Chroococcus, a single-cell alga, w.m. 2(c). Anabaena, w.m. of filaments with heterocysts 3(d). Nostoc sp., t.s. of colony with hormogonia 4(d). Aphanizomenon, w.m. showing heterocysts 5(c). Scytonema ...
20 Microscope Slides:
Phycomycetes 1(c). Mucor mucedo, w.m. of hyphae showing sporangia 2(d). Rhizopus nigricans, w.m. of hyphae with developing zygotes (d). Synchytrium endobioticum, potato black wart, t.s. of infected tissue 4(c). Plasmodiophora ...
15 Microscope Slides
1(e). Ephedra, male cone l.s.
2(f). Ephedra, female cone at pollination time l.s.
3(c). Ginkgo, young sprout, t.s.
4(c). Ginkgo, leaf t.s.
5(c). Pinus, pine, young root
6(c). Pinus, pine, first year stem
7(e). ...
20 Microscope Slides:
1(c). Epidermal cells of Allium (onion), flat mount shows typical plant cells with nuclei, cytoplasm
and cell walls
2(d). Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of plant mitosis
3(f). Meiosis, t.s ...
15 Microscope Slides:
1(d). Allium cepa, onion, root tips, l.s. showing all stages of mitosis
2(c). Zea mays, corn, t.s. of typical monocot root
3(c). Iris, t.s. of typical monocot root
4(c). Ranunculus, buttercup, t.s. of a typical dicot ...
20 Microscope Slides:
1(c). Canna, t.s. of typical monocot stem with scattered bundles
2(f). Aristolochia, t.s. of one year, two years stem and older stem, all 3 in on slide
3(e). Dicot and monocot stem, t.s. of Helianthus and Canna
4 ...
15 Microscope Slides:
1(d). Elodea, l.s. of stem tip showing apical meristem and origin of leaves
2(d). Leaves, monocot and dicot, Zea and Ranunculus, t.s.
3(c). Syringa, lilac, t.s. of typical dicot leaf
4(c). Iris, typical isobilateral ...
15 Microscope Slides:
1(e). Zea and Ranunculus, t.s. of monocot and dicot flowers
2(d). Bellis, l.s. of composite flower bud
3(d). Taraxacum, dandelion, t.s. of composite flower bud
4(d). Papaver, poppy, t.s. of flower bud with parietal ...
15 Microscope Slides:
1(d). Triticum, wheat, t.s. of kernel (grain), endosperm and starch grains
2(e). Triticum, wheat, l.s. of kernel showing origin of embryo
3(d). Zea mays, corn, young cob t.s.
4(d). Phaseolus, bean, t.s. of pod with ...
12 Microscope Slides:
1(c). Squamous epithelium, isolated cells from human mouth
2(d). Striated muscle l.s. showing nuclei, striations
3(d). Compact bone and hyaline cartilage t.s., two sections for comparison
4(e). Nerve fibres isolated ...
Microscope Slides
Our microscope slides are made under rigorous scientific control. They are the product of long experience combined with the most up to date techniques. The prerequisite for excellent preparations is good material, well preserved and fixed so that the finer structures are retained in as life-like a way as possible. Microtome sections are cut from this material by highly skilled and experienced staff. They are of a thickness which will finally result in slides from which the maximum resolution of the structural components can be obtained. Particular attention is paid to the staining technique and in each case the selected method for a particular specimen will ensure the best possible differentiation combined with clear definition and permanency of staining. The prepared microscope slides are delivered on best glasses with fine ground edges of the size 26 x 76 mm (1 x 3") and are mailed in solid boxes. All slides can be purchased either in complete sets and series or individually. For individual orders please use the products number W....and add /1 etc. We reserve the right to make minor alterations to the sets and compilations. The delivery time is between 6 - 8 weeks.
The following Series are available:
Series for Secondary Schools Histology and Human Science - Comprehensive Set Histology and Human Science - Detail Sets Zoology - Detail Sets Parasites and Pathogenic Bacteria Botany - Comprehensive Sets Bontay -Details Sets Cytology - Embryology - Genetics Ecology and Environment