Nuestra selección de productos terapia está diseñada para satisfacer las necesidades de terapia profesional de hoy en día con productos de alta calidad a precios competitivos. 3B Scientific le ofrece una amplia gama de productos de electroterapia y ultrasonidos, mesas de masaje, y los productos de rehabilitación y equipamiento de cinta y Kinesiología.
The Hydrocollator® M-4 Mobile Heating Unit is the benchmark against which all other heating units are judged. The features of the Hydrocollator® M-4 Mobile Heating Unit:
High quality stainless steel
Thermostatically controlled ...
The Chattanooga Hydrocollator® E-2 Stationary Heating Unit is a benchmark against which all other heating units are judged. The following features are found in the Hydrocollator® E-2 Stationary Heating Unit:
High quality stainless ...
The Original Hydrocollator Moist Heat HotPaCs Since their introduction in 1947, thousands of doctors and therapists have insisted on this classic heat therapy treatment modality.
Eight HotPaC sizes are designed to fit every body contour ...
The Original Hydrocollator Moist Heat HotPaCs Since their introduction in 1947, thousands of doctors and therapists have insisted on this classic heat therapy treatment modality.
Eight HotPaC sizes are designed to fit every body contour ...
The Original Hydrocollator Moist Heat HotPaCs Since their introduction in 1947, thousands of doctors and therapists have insisted on this classic heat therapy treatment modality.
Eight HotPaC sizes are designed to fit every body contour ...
There’s a ColPaC for every application in cold therapy!
Designed especially for heavy clinic use in cold therapy, choose from seven blue vinyl sizes and four black polyurethane sizes, to ensure effective cold therapy for any body area or shape ...
Idea for holding Cold Packs, HotPacs and Carbon Electrodes in place. Good for hundreds of uses. Individual packages of 3.
Nylatex Wrap 2.5 x 24"
Velcro-like material closes the wrap and secures the end to itself.
Nylatex wraps are good for hundreds of uses! Use a nylatex wrap to hold Hot Packs and Cold Packs in place. Nylatex wraps come in individual packages of 3.
Nylatex Wrap 4 x 18"
Velcro-like material closes the wrap and secures ...
The Amrex SynchroSonic U/20 Portable Ultrasound provides therapeutic ultrasound in an economical package. Like the U/50, it features a lightweight transducer that is sealed for underwater therapy.
• Lightweight standard transducer ...
The U/50 Portable Ultrasound provides therapeutic ultrasound in an economical package. The unit features a lightweight transducer that is sealed for underwater therapy.
The widely used therapeutic modality of ultrasonic diathermy is ...
The U/50 Portable Ultrasound provides therapeutic ultrasound in an economical package. The unit features a lightweight transducer that is sealed for underwater therapy.
The widely used therapeutic modality of ultrasonic diathermy is ...
The SynchroSonic US/54 is a versatile combination unit that provides muscle stimulation with four pad application and therapeutic ultrasound. Each modality may be used independently or in combination through the lightweight ultrasound transducer ...
The SynchroSonic US/54 is a versatile combination unit that provides muscle stimulation with four pad application and therapeutic ultrasound. Each modality may be used independently or in combination through the lightweight ultrasound transducer ...
The Amrex SynchroSonic US/752 offers the benefits of therapeutic ultrasound and high volt muscle stimulation for muscle rehabilitation, prevention of muscle atrophy, pain management and edema reduction.
The panel design of the SynchroSonic ...
The Amrex SynchroSonic US/752 offers the benefits of therapeutic ultrasound and high volt muscle stimulation for muscle rehabilitation, prevention of muscle atrophy, pain management and edema reduction.
The panel design of the SynchroSonic ...
The Baseline push-pull dynamometer 250 lb. can be used for both muscle strength testing and functional workplace evaluations. It is ideal for a wide range of individual muscle groups using both the push (compression) and pull (tension) modes ...
Esta pasta de modelar con fines terapéuticos es idónea para movilizar y fortalecer los dedos y las manos en casa. También está perfectamente indicada para la rehabilitación y la terapia postoperatoria.
Adscope 603, uno de los estetoscopios acústicos más populares de ADC, aúna una precisión excepcional con una resistente durabilidad. La pieza torácica combinada ofrece un diafragma ultrasensible para una mayor ...
Our most popular aneroid, the 760 is the model of choice for demanding institutions.
The 760 series features:
• Contemporary black enamel 300mmHg no-pin stop manometer, provides day-in, day-out dependability provides day-in, day ...
ADC Proscopes™ combine lightweight comfort, sensitive acoustics, and handsome styling, with truly affordable pricing.
The Proscope™ Series features:
•Diaphragm only (660 series)
• Non-chill diaphragm rim for patient ...
Alternativa a las mancuernas - Flexible para usar durante el entrenamiento - Entrenamiento de resistencia en cualquier momento y lugar -
Tamaño único
Todas las pesas sirven tanto para el tobillo ...
La vara flexible de entrenamiento Cando® Twist-n-Bend es un aparato de entrenamiento sencillo, antideslizante y portátil para rehabilitar y fortalecer la mano, la muñeca, los antebrazos y los hombros. Este aparato de entrenamiento ...
Las bandas elásticas son los aparatos que mas veces se utilizan en rehabilitación, desarrollo dela coordinación y el fortalecimiento muscular. Son ideales para los ejercicios de rehabilitación, la condició ...
Alternativa a las mancuernas - Flexible para usar durante el entrenamiento - Entrenamiento de resistencia en cualquier momento y lugar - Las bandas elásticas son los aparatos que mas veces se utilizan en rehabilitación, desarrollo ...