REALITi 360 Patient Monitor App – Build V9 release: new features and a COVID-19 scenario
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3B Scientific GmbH
The iSimulate team has just announced the release of the V9 Build of the REALITi360 patient monitor simulator. With the update, users now have the following new features available:
Critical Care Waveforms - CVP, ICP and PAP
Multiple ECGs are now 12 leads
Classification of imported media on Control with options: General, Ultrasound, Laryngoscopy, Bronchoscopy, Radiography
COVID 19 scenario
When media is chosen to be shown on the monitor, depending on the category chosen on Control, the media will now be displayed inside a simulated device (i.e. Laryngoscopy images now show inside a Karl Storz CMAC device). Whether or not static HR tones or saturation tones are played is now also configurable per device.
All of the above feature updates and scenarios aim at an even more realistic patient monitor simulation.
Dr. Anthony Lewis is the co-founder of iSimulate and an anaesthetist who has been involved in medical education for over a decade. Apart from working as an anaesthetist in hospitals, he continues to create and run medical education scenarios for the iSimulate customers. While helping to prepare the hospital for the COVID-19 cases in Australia, he developed a simulation scenario for REALITi 360 customers to train for the emergency.
The following list shows the additional updates, features and bug fixes that come with the V9 Build, you can also view the V9 Release PDF here.
Additional New Features:
The waveform preview will now show trends
The critical care waveforms now show on a separate graph in the PDF report
The Schiller Defigard Auto-Screenshot has been added as a setting
12 leads have been added for Atrial Tachycardia and Atrial Flutters
Significant improvements to 12 lead ECGs across the board
3rd Degree Heart Block 12 lead ECG
A custom UI for displaying the critical care waveforms has been added to the GE CareScape
The QRS volume function has been added to Corpuls3
Scale options for arterial lines and CVP have been added to the GE CareScape
Scenario details are now sent to the Chart as documents when the scenario starts
The CPR game is available
Updates and Improvements:
Scenario downloads from Community now shows a progress indicator
Camera now shows the correct ECG rhythm on review
There have been improvements made to the Scenario Overview. When the scenario is running, the Scenario Overview will be in read-only mode, and cannot be edited until the scenario is stopped
The print button behaviour on the Zoll X-Series has been changed to match the workflow of other devices
The GE CareScape now always shows the PR next to SpO2
The 'Print Review' button has been changed to take the user to the 'TMS'
The Zoll R-Series now remembers the last rotary knob position
The PDF report will now only show BP measurements on the graph when NIBP was taken or the arterial line was inserted
Lab results outside of the ordinary range now display in red
The Control has new illustrations for the electrode placement UI and previously untranslatable parts of the device (such as curved text) are now translatable
Additional translation improvements have been made
The US English translations have been added
The choice to dismiss the tutorial forever can now be undone in the Settings
RR and EtCO2 can now be displayed separately (previously, RR could only be displayed when EtCO2 was visible)
Login details for Community are now remembered after having been entered once
Users will now be prompted for additional detail when logging Instabugs
Waveforms colours can now be configured in ALSi 6
There have been improvements to the REALITi logo and other visual details throughout
A close button has been added to the top right hand side of the lab results modal as an alternative to swipe dismissal
The metronome now stays on permanently when starting the Corpuls3 directly into AED mode (previously only sounded for a few moments)
Sinus inverted P Wave
Default pacer threshold is now part of the scenario file format and can be set in Scenario Overview
Remove See-Thru CPR from ALSi 6 Parameter Settings
Improvements to all audio playback throughout entire system (Control and Monitor)
The illustrations of the Swan Ganz progression through the heart chambers has been updated in Control
Bug Fixes:
The IPI feature of the Capnostream35 has been fixed so the trend will no longer be drawn outside the bounds of the display in some instances
A bug that would cause the mini control values on GE CareScape to trend from -150 has been fixed
A bug that would cause some downloads from Community to fail has been fixed
A bug that caused the AED prompts in the Zoll X Series to continue playing after it had been powered off has been fixed
A bug that would cause the Community to crash when downloading a scenario in REALITi has been fixed
A bug that would cause the HR to not show properly in certain circumstances has been fixed
A bug that caused the Welch Allyn vital signs monitor not to display the correct HR has been fixed
A bug affecting starting the Corpuls3 directly into AED mode has been fixed
A bug that affected the ventilator when switching to and from other devices has been fixed
A bug that would cause the Zoll R-Series buttons to stay gray after being pushed has been fixed
A bug that would allow the 'Ventilate' voice prompt to play even when the Control had muted sounds has been fixed
Get the V9 Build for your REALITi 360 Patient Monitor Simulator in your App Store.