Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - French

Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - French, 1004063 [W13303F], French
Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - French, 1004063 [W13303F], French
Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - French, 1004063 [W13303F], French
Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - French, 1004063 [W13303F], French
Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - French, 1004063 [W13303F], French
Series IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Function - French, 1004063 [W13303F], French
7 Microscope Slides.

1(d). Ovary of cat, with follicles and corpus luteum t.s.
2(d). Testis of mouse, t.s. showing Leydig’s cells
3(d). Adrenal (suprarenal) gland of cat, t.s.
4(d). Pancreas of cat, t.s. with islets of Langerhans,
5(f). Thyroid gland, normal function t.s.
6(f). Thyroid gland, over-activity of the gland t.s.
7(f). Hypophysis (pituitary body) sagittal l.s.
Item No.: 1004063 [W13303F]
Weight 0.103 kg
MPN: 4470_FR
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