A special, extremely thin, synthetic skin is paired with rubber tubing featuring a small lumen and thin walls. The greater and lesser saphenous veins are accessible, as well as the dorsal venous arch on the foot. Comes with two IV bags with ...
The infant head has the ability to be attached to your Resusci Baby or Life/form Crisis Baby. Features realistic size and anatomy and is perfect for practing airway management skills on an infant. Comes with a pump spray lubricant.
This product ...
Pin it to Specimen Mounting Pad (1019688)!
This tissue 6"/ 15,2 cm double layer bowel feels real, behaves, and sutures like live tissue. Realistic and affordable products designed for the acquisition, practice and retentionof ...
The penrose drain is an inexpensive tool to practice suturing and knot tying skills. It is ideal for demonstrations or courses. Sold in bags of 50.
The signature Soft Tissue Suture Pad provides the experience of practicing suturing skills on realistic tissue. It is ideal for demonstrations and courses.
The tray of organs includes small and large intestine, stomach, liver, ball bladder and spleen. The tray is designed to fit inside the T5 (1018118/1018119) and T12 (1018121/1018122) MITS. Designed to help the novice scope navigator become ...
The 2" Vaginal Cuff cuts, sutures and behaves like real tissue. This product is ideal for vaginal cuff closure skills training under the laparoscopic box.
Excellent tissue for vaginal cuff closure training for closure of the vaginal cuff ...