Micro-Preemie Simulator Light

Micro-Preemie Simulator Light, 1020812, Neonatal Patient Care
Micro-Preemie Simulator Light, 1020812, Neonatal Patient Care
This product carries a 5 year warranty
This 25-week ELBW (Extremely Low Birth Weight) neonate is the smallest and most realistic pre-term infant available. Delivery of an ELBW infant remains to be an extreme medical emergency, requiring specialized techniques that can be trained with this outstandingly ­realistic simulator.

The baby can be ventilated and will accept a functional ET tube, NG tube, umbilical catheter, and IV line, as well as a non-functional chest tube and stomas.

Delivered with: diaper, hat (colour may vary), umbilicus, omphalocele, neural tube defect, bilateral chest block, unilateral chest block, ­airway,  3 cc syringe, 25-gauge butterfly needle, lubricant, blood ­powder, and bulb and tube assembly.

Manikin can be used with Supraglottic airway devices for airway training.

Features & Functions:
  • Airway, breathing, and ventilation
  • Chest tube
  • Cleaning and diaper changing
  • Delivery
  • GI
  • IV access
  • Monitoring
  • Neural tube defect (Myelomeningocele)
  • Observation and measurement
  • Scenarios
  • Simulated breathing
  • Skin and wound care
  • Skin is very soft and lifelike
  • Stoma care
  • Suction
  • Umbilicus with optional omphalocele
  • Various monitors, sensors, electrodes, etc., can be attached to the manikin wherever needed
  • Ventilation
  • Approximately 12% or 1 out of every 8 newborns arrive prematurely
  • Delivery of an extremely low birth weight infant (≤1,000 g) remains to be an extreme medical emergency, requiring specialized techniques and equipment
  • Simulates a 25-week neonate - the smallest, most realistically proportioned pre-term infant available
  • Entirely flexible and offers training opportunities for a number of commonly performed procedures
  • Extraordinary realism is achieved with the preemie’s pose and lack of muscle tone
  • Invaluable for simulation training in the care and handling techniques for infants requiring multiple medical interventions at the limits of viability
  • Perfect for NICU, emergency medical response teams, flight medics, mock code scenarios, nursing schools, medical schools, hospitals, and family education
  • Simple to use for simulation, requires no specialized equipment, and is compact and highly mobile
  • Use for meeting objectives of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program’s course curriculum

Item No.: 1020812
Weight 1.11 kg
Brand Life/form
MPN: LF01280
Previous Item No. W44754
  • Secure online payment with SSL
  • Expert advice
  • Easy returns & exchanges
  • International shipping available
Service hotline: +49-40-73966-223
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