A Doença de Parkinson

A Doença de Parkinson, 1002189 [VR5629L], Agy és idegrendszer
11 938,00 Ft



Chart Style:

This thickly laminated anatomical chart is printed on premium glossy (200 g) UV resistant paper and comes with 2 sided lamination (75 micron) . It comes in a convenient poster size 50 x 67 cm (20x26'') and can be written on and wiped off with non permenant markers. The 75 micron lamination ensures the chart does not curl up at the edges and the UV treament ensures the chart does not get a faded yellow color over time.
Kódszám: 1002189 [VR5629L]
Súly 0.15 kg
Méret 50 x 67 cm
Márka 3B Scientific
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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