Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest - Yellow, Children's Trainer

Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest - Yellow, Children's Trainer, 1022651 [W59821], ÉLETMENTÉS GYERMEK
Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest - Yellow, Children's Trainer, 1022651 [W59821], ÉLETMENTÉS GYERMEK
Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest - Yellow, Children's Trainer, 1022651 [W59821], ÉLETMENTÉS GYERMEK
Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest - Yellow, Children's Trainer, 1022651 [W59821], ÉLETMENTÉS GYERMEK
Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest - Yellow, Children's Trainer, 1022651 [W59821], ÉLETMENTÉS GYERMEK
Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest - Yellow, Children's Trainer, 1022651 [W59821], ÉLETMENTÉS GYERMEK
Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest - Yellow, Children's Trainer, 1022651 [W59821], ÉLETMENTÉS GYERMEK
86 487,00 Ft


Product in Kék Product in Piros Product in Sárga
The Act+Fast Rescue Choking Vest Children’s Trainer features a patented Air Bladder for practicing the Abdominal Thrust Maneuver (Heimlich). It also includes an attachable foam Back Slap Pad for practicing Red Cross and European Resuscitation Council choking rescue protocols.

The Children's Trainer comes with an attachable back slap pad that allows students to practice back blows.

Place your hand to the correct position to practice the Abdominal Thrust Maneuver (Heimlich). When done correctly, the student is rewarded by seeing a foam plug shoot into the air.
Kódszám: 1022651 [W59821]
Súly 1.36 kg
MPN: AF-101-Y
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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