Advanced Four-Vein Venipuncture Training Aid™ - Dermalike II™ Latex Free - Darkly Pigmented

Advanced Four-Vein Venipuncture Training Aid™ - Dermalike II™ Latex Free - Darkly Pigmented, 1017968 [W46513D], INJEKCIÓ ÉS PUNKTUÁCIÓ
Advanced Four-Vein Venipuncture Training Aid™ - Dermalike II™ Latex Free - Darkly Pigmented, 1017968 [W46513D], INJEKCIÓ ÉS PUNKTUÁCIÓ
Advanced Four-Vein Venipuncture Training Aid™ - Dermalike II™ Latex Free - Darkly Pigmented, 1017968 [W46513D], INJEKCIÓ ÉS PUNKTUÁCIÓ
215 773,00 Ft

Skin tone:

Product in sötét bőrű Product in világos bőrű
The Advanced Venipuncture Training Aid™ features four barely discernible blue veins in three different sizes, with the fourth vein deeply placed. All veins are within our proprietary latex-free Dermalike™ for a realistic training scenario.  The Advanced Venipuncture Training Aid is the perfect practice IV training kit—it’s just like accessing a real patient! As the IV catheter enters the vein, a realistic “flashback” of simulated blood confirms proper needle placement, helping build hand-eye coordination, confidence, and improving competency, while ensuring your patient’s safety.
  •  Hinged top and base.
  • Leak resistant.  Features a single length of tubing, no connections needed.
  • Bubble trap and stopcock removal and replacement are confirmed by an audible “click.”
  • The hinged top has an integral molded hook for placement of blood bag
  • Model can handle 3,600+ accesses using a 20g IV catheter
Kódszám: 1017968 [W46513D]
Súly 2.55 kg
Méret 14 x 11 x 5 cm
Márka VATA
MPN: 2366
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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