“Airway Larry” Airway Management Trainer Torso

“Airway Larry” Airway Management Trainer Torso, 1019928, ÉLETMENTÉS FELNŐTT
1 194 943,00 Ft
The Life/form® Airway Management Trainer simulates a nonanesthetized patient for practicing intubation, ventilation, suction, and CPR techniques. Realistic anatomy and landmarks including teeth, tongue, oral and nasal pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, arytenoids, false cords, true vocal cords, trachea, lungs, esophagus, and stomach.

The trainer allows you to practice oral, digital, and nasal intubation, as well as E.T., E.O.A., P.T.L., L.M.A., E.G.T.A., Combitube®, and KING System insertion. Suction techniques and proper cuff inflation may also be practiced and evaluated.

Features durable, rugged construction and bifurcated lungs. The “Airway Larry” Adult Airway Management Trainer represents an adult with more room to maneuver. With its slightly anterior position, “Airway Larry” is a great trainer for introductory as well as advanced students. Mounted on a CPARLENE® Basic Torso. CPR and airway management procedures may be performed. Manual carotid pulse. Comes with pump spray lubricant and disposable lower airway for the manikin.

Manikin can be used with Supraglottic airway devices for airway training.

  Head/torso Ideal for Digital intubation Laryngospasm & Tonge edema Stomach rise Sucti­oning Jaw thrust Manual carotid pulse E.T., E.O.A., P.T.L, L.M.A., Combitube®, and King System insertion Additional features
Adult Airway Management Trainer Head
Item No:1012740
male head introductory classes - - - can be attached to any of the adult CRiSis® Manikins
Advanced Trainer Head
Item No:1020961
male head mounted on a board introductory and advanced classes - - can be attached to any of the adult CRiSis® Manikins
Adult Airway Management Trainer
Item No:1005633
male head mounted on a board testing purposes and Combitube® practice - - - can be attached to any of the adult CRiSis® Manikins
Economy Adult Airway Management Trainer
Item No:1005780
male head mounted on a board rescue & advanced airway management training - - - - - only LMAs and Combitube® durable construction and bifurcated lung
Adult Airway Management Trainer
Item No:1017871
torso with a female head difficult airway and CPR training - - durable construction and bifurcated lung
Advanced Trainer Head
Item No:1019249
male head mounted on a board advanced airway management training - - durable construction and bifurcated lung
S.A.L.A.D. Simulator
Item No:1021583
male head suction assisted laryngoscopy and airway decontamination - - - rigid suction catheter distracts lower mandible and tongue to permit laryngoscope insertion
Airway Management Trainer
Item No:1019928
male torso
airway management and CPR training - - - durable construction and bifurcated lung
Adult Deluxe Airway Management Trainer
Item No:1018851
male head mounted on a board cricothyrotomy and advanced airway management - - - - - lifelike skin that will not be damaged by aggresive intubation
Adult Airway Management Trainer
Item No:1005774
male torso mounted on a board rescue airway and anatomy training - - - - - review of the pumonary system and oral/nasal pharyngeal spaces

Fogyó alkatrészek

46 482,00 Ft
49 784,00 Ft
36 703,00 Ft
Kódszám: 1019928
Súly 8.2 kg
Márka Life/form
MPN: LF03669U
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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