Baseline Axis Attachment for 360 Plastic 12" Goniometer

Baseline Axis Attachment for 360 Plastic 12" Goniometer, 1015361 [W54295], Goniométer és inklinométer
5 842,00 Ft

Perfect for those practitioners who currently own a 12” 360 degree plastic goniometer. The Baseline Axis Attachment slides “sungly” onto one arm of the goniometer. The attachment does not interfere with the goniometer’s function.

Many goniometric measurments require the practitoner to place one arm of the goniometer in either the horizontal or vertical position. The other arm is then lined-up with the patient's body segment.

Until now, the pactitioner had to "assume" or "eyeball" the vertical or horizontal position. This interpretation of horizontal or vertical is often incorrect and allows for measurement error.

The Absolute Axis attachment removes measurement variability and allows the practitioner to concentrate on correct placement of the goniometer arm and the patient's body position.

Dimensions: 2" x 0.25" x 1"

Kódszám: 1015361 [W54295]
Súly 0.428 kg
Méret 2.54 x 2.54 x 0.508 cm
Márka Baseline
MPN: 12-1026
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

Akik ezt a terméket vásárolták, ezekből a termékekből is vásároltak:
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Baseline Body Level, 1013983 [W54667], Testtömeg és mérése
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Kerek inkloniméter, 1005901 [W50178], Goniométer és inklinométer
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15 621,00 Ft
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11 938,00 Ft
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360º ISOM Goniometer, 20 cm, műanyag, 1005903 [W50182], Goniométer és inklinométer
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