Digital Binocular Microscope with Built-in Camera

Digital Binocular Microscope with Built-in Camera, 1013153 [U30803], Binocular Compound Microscopes
Digital Binocular Microscope with Built-in Camera, 1013153 [U30803], Binocular Compound Microscopes
257 810,00 Ft
Digital microscopes 1013153 are characterised by their robust design, their fine optical and mechanical properties and their ease of operation. The built-in 1.3-megapixel camera allows specimens to be viewed through the ocular and on a computer screen at the same time and provides well-focused images with authentic colour.  Professional “ScopeImage” software allows both static images and videos to be recorded as well as featuring image editing plus measurement and evaluation capabilities.

Stand: All-metal stand, arm firmly connected with base, pinion knobs attached on both sides of the stand for coarse and fine focusing
Tube: Binocular inclined 45°, head rotation 360°
Eyepieces: Pair of wide field eyepieces WF 10x 18 mm
Objectives: Revolving nosepiece with 4 achromatic objectives 4x / 0.10, 10x / 0.25, 40x / 0.65, 100x / 1.25 (oil)
Enlargement: 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x
Object stage: x-y mechanical stage, 140 mm x 140 mm, with object guide, adjustment range 75 mm x 50 mm
Illumination: Adjustable 6 V, 20 W halogen lamp integrated in base. Universal 100 V to 240 V, 50/60 Hz power supply
Condenser: Abbe condenser N.A.1.25 with iris diaphragm , filter holder and  filter, focussed via rack and pinion drive
Camera sensor: 1/3” CMOS, 1.3 Mpixel, colour image
Power supply: Via USB 2.0
System Requirements: WIN2000, WINXP, Vista, WIN7 and WIN8
Dimensions: 220 x 180 x 390 mm³ approx.
Weight: 8,5 kg approx.
Supplied: Complete with dust cover


14 732,00 Ft
31 242,00 Ft
15 113,00 Ft
8 382,00 Ft
7 493,00 Ft
14 986,00 Ft
11 811,00 Ft
8 636,00 Ft
Kódszám: 1013153 [U30803]
Súly 5.322 kg
Márka 3B Scientific
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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