With this cable two Photogates can be connected in a daisy chain mode. In this mode the signals of the photogates are measured via a single channel of the interface. With more cables up to five photogates can be connected in to each other. ...
Thermocouple Sensor
The thermocouple sensor is capable of measuring temperatures in two ranges:
-200 to 1300 °C (wide range) and
-20 to 110 °C (narrow range)
The desired range is selected by a switch integrated on ...
Adapterdoboz a fénykapu (U11365) és a lézerreflexiós szenzor (U8533380) külső digitális számlálóhoz történő csatlakoztatásához. Tartalmaz egy 12 V AC tá ...
The pH electrode 031 is a gel-filled Ag-AgCl combination-electrode in a plastic tube. It has a coax cable with a BNC connector. It is supplied in a bottle filled with a protective solution. The electrode cannot be refilled.