Kísérlet: Hangterjedés rudakban (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Kísérlet: Hangterjedés rudakban (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000756 [UE1070410-230], Hangtan
320 281,30 Ft
Objective: Investigation of longitudinal sound waves in cylindrical rods and determination of propagation velocity for longitudinal sound waves

Thematic focus: ..
Excite pulses of longitudinal sound waves in rods and use two microphone probes to detect them
Analyse how the sound pulses are affected by the material and length of the rods by means of an oscilloscope
Determine the speed of propagation of longitudinal sound waves in the materials from the time it takes the pulses
to travel through them
Determine the modulus of elasticity of the materials from the propagation velocity of longitudinal waves and their density

Experiment description: ..
The equipment set consists of test rods of various lengths, made of different materials, two microphone probes, a microphone box for recording and amplifying signals and outputting them to an oscilloscope along with three mats.
Sound waves are created inside the rods by hitting them with a beater. These waves propagate along the rods and are reflected at the ends. The sound is picked up using microphone probes. With the long rods, oscilloscope traces show clearly delineated oscillating pulses. The short rods exhibit sinusoidal oscillation due to the formation of standing waves. From the length of the rods and the interval between two pulses or the period of the sinusoidal oscillation, it is possible to calculate the speed of sound specific to the material in question.


Hangterjedés Rudakban –
Kísérleti Készlet (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 1018469 [U8557180-230], Tudományos Készletek - Hullámtan és Hangtan

Hangterjedés Rudakban –
Kísérleti Készlet (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

1018469 [U8557180-230]
206 248,00 Ft
PC-Oszcilloszkóp 2x25 MHz, 1020857 [U11830], Oszcilloszkóp

PC-Oszcilloszkóp 2x25 MHz

1020857 [U11830]
114 033,30 Ft
Kódszám: 8000756 [UE1070410-230]
Márka 3B Scientific
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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