• Introduction to electron optics
Cathode rays and deflecting fields can be used to magnify shadow images in a manner analogous to an optical lens system.
With the help of this supplement, the experiment: Maltese-Cross ...
• Observing the thermionic emission of charge-carriers from a heated cathode.
• Determining the polarity of the emitted charge-carriers.
• Estimating the specific charge (chargeto-mass ratio) of ...
Electrons in a fine-beam tube are deflected into a circular path by a uniform magnetic field. The tube contains neon gas at a precisely defined pressure so that gas atoms become ionised by collision with electrons along the path thus ...
Tárgy: Elektronok diffrakciójának megfigyelése polikristályos grafiton, valamint az elektronok hullámtermészetének igazolása
Az elektronok diffrakciója ...
Objective: Record and interpret the Balmer series of lines for hydrogen other line spectra in the visible region
The line spectra of light-emitting atoms are uniquely characteristic for each specific chemical element, although they become ...
Objective: Record and interpret the Balmer series of lines for hydrogen other line spectra in the visible region
The line spectra of light-emitting atoms are uniquely characteristic for each specific chemical element, although they become ...
Objective: Carry out high-precision measurements of absorption and emission lines
The resolution of a spectrometer is often assessed in terms of whether the two sodium D-lines can be distinguished. This experiment uses a digital spectrometer ...
• Record and evaluate the Franck-Hertz curve for neon and observe emission of light.
• Compare the distribution of current maxima with the excitation energies of neon atoms.
• Observe the light ...