Mitosis and Meiosis (Cell division) MULTIMEDIA TEACHER PACKAGE (Basic Package of 6 items) - english

Nincs kép
66 675,00 Ft
Comprising: 6 Microscope Slides in Plastic Box, 3 OHP Colour Transparencies, 6 Sketch and Worksheets, Brochure with explanatory text, Special cardboard box
  1. Allium, root tips, l.s. showing lateral view of all stages of mitosis, ironhematoxyline
  2. Whitefish mitosis, l.s. of embryo showing animal mitosis
  3. Testis of mouse, t.s. showing spermatogenesis in all stages
  4. Giant chromosomes from salivary gland of Chironomus, squash preparation special stained for chromomeres
  5. Lilium, microspore mother cells, prophase of first division showing meiosis,
  6. Lilium, microspore mother cells, metaor anaphase of first division, showing mitosis.
The teacher packages comprise all necessary media for classroom work:
  1. Set of selected prepared microscope slides in plastic box. Prepared Microscope Slides are made in our laboratories under rigourous scientific control. They are the product of long experience combined with the most up to date techniques.
  2. Set of overhead transparencies, large size, full color. Overhead Transparencies immediately show, on the screen, the details of the specimen required for demonstration at the most suitable magnification. The student subsequently finds it easier to locate the relevant part of the microscopic slide under the microscope. The transparencies are printed by a special process and excel by reason of their high projection quality.
  3. Set of sketch- and worksheets with drawings for all slides. The Sketch- and Work Sheets serve to facilitate seeing his way through the prepared microscope slides and finding the detail important in the lesson. They start processes of learning and understanding by comparing microscope slides with the diagrammatic drawings, thus to identify and label the details relevant in the lesson. They allow completing or colouring the drawings according to own observations, and finally the sheets can be used for tests. Teacher may take photocopies of the sheets for the number of students.
  4. Textbook with detailed description of all slides, drawings and transparencies. The Textbooks are intended to help you make more effective use of our teaching material both in the classroom and during individual study. They provide a description of the morphological structures involved, making it considerably easier to look for and find the relevant spots in the microscope slides. They also furnish information regarding systematic and physiological relationships and general biological principles, as well as stimulating classroom interpretation and didactic use of the observations made.
  5. Special cardboard box for storing and packing
Kódszám: 1008738 [W13741-2]
Súly 0.58 kg
Méret 34 x 24 x 0.5 cm
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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