N-Doped Germanium on Printed Circuit Board

N-Doped Germanium on Printed Circuit Board, 1009760 [U8487030], Hall-féle hatás
N-Doped Germanium on Printed Circuit Board, 1009760 [U8487030], Hall-féle hatás
313 563,00 Ft
High-quality interchangeable board with an n-doped germanium crystal for investigating the conductivity and Hall potential for n-doped germanium as a function of temperature. With contacts for transverse current and Hall potential, integrated resistive heating element with temperature sensor directly under the crystal, and multi pin plug for connecting the circuit board to the basic Hall effect apparatus (U8487000).

  • Crystal dimensions: 20x10x1 mm³ approx.
  • Overall dimensions: 70x70x10 mm³ approx.
  • Weight: 30 g approx.

Szükséges hozzá​

316 865,00 Ft
Kódszám: 1009760 [U8487030]
Súly 0.09 kg
Márka 3B Scientific
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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