NMR Module

NMR Module, 1022706, Mágneses Rezonancia
NMR Module, 1022706, Mágneses Rezonancia
1 402 969,00 Ft
New Product
The NMR module is to be used with the ESR/NMR control unit (1022700 resp. 1022702) for investigating nuclear spin resonance in glyc-erine, polystyrene and Teflon.
The set consists of the factory-set base unit with the two magnetic coils, the NMR probe, glycerine sample, polystyrene sample, Teflon sample and an empty comparison sample. A measurement report is supplied with each NMR module. The resonance frequency for glycerine and the strength of the permanent magnetic net field for the respective module are specified in this report. An unambiguous assignment is guaranteed via the S/N on bottom of the device e.g. 203067-1, if several modules have been purchased.
Scope of delivery:
1 Base unit with preinstalled magnetic coils and magnet
1 NMR probe
1 Comparison sample
1 Glycerine sample
1 Teflon sample
1 Polystyrene sample
1 Measurement report
Technical data:
Magnetic flux density of the permanent magnet, see report: approx. 300 mT
Frequency range: approx.11.5 MHz−15 MHz
Probe connector: 4-pole Lemo plug
Sample diameter: 4.5 mm
Distance sample inlet to center of measuring chamber approx. 26 mm
Magnetic coils
Coils: 500 each
Magnetic flux density: 0 – 3.67 mT
Connector: coaxial connector 
5,5 x 2,5 mm
Dimension: approx.
Weight: approx. 3.20 kg
Additionally required equipment:
1 ESR/NMR control unit (230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1022700
1 ESR/NMR control unit (115 V, 50/60 Hz) 1022702
1 Digital oscilloscope, 2x 30 MHz 1020910
1 PC oscilloscope 2x 25 MHz 1020857
2 HF-cable 1002746



Kódszám: 1022706
Súly 3.4 kg
Méret 31 x 22 x 22.9 cm
Márka 3B Scientific
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

Akik ezt a terméket vásárolták, ezekből a termékekből is vásároltak:
ESR-NMR Control Unit (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 1022700, Mágneses Rezonancia
510 667,00 Ft
by 3B Scientific
Zsebmérőszalag, 2m, 1002603 [U10073], Hosszmérés
8 255,00 Ft
Függvénygenerátor FG100 (230V, 50/60 Hz), 1009957 [U8533600-230], Függvény generátor
382 905,00 Ft
by 3B Scientific
Hajító szerkezet, 1002654 [U10360], Ferde dobás
283 972,00 Ft
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Dobó szerkezet tartója, 1002655 [U10361], Ferde dobás - Kiegészítő
85 217,00 Ft
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Planck-állandó készülék (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 1000537 [U10700-230], Kvantálás
590 423,00 Ft
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PC-Oszcilloszkóp 2x25 MHz, 1020857 [U11830], Oszcilloszkóp
123 444,00 Ft
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Lábsúly, 1 kg, 1002834 [U13265], Talpak
14 859,00 Ft
Magasságmérő Vonalzó 1 m, 1000743 [U8401560], Hosszmérés
38 862,00 Ft
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Mutatópár vonalzóhoz, 1006494 [U8401570], Hosszmérés
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Kísérlet: Planck állandó, (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000700 [UE5010200-230], Atomfizika alapjai
590 423,00 Ft
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Digitális Oszcilloszkóp, 2x100 MHz, 1020911 [U11835], Oszcilloszkóp
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