Noelle® Szülési szimulátor torzó, újszülöttel

Noelle® Szülési szimulátor torzó, újszülöttel, 1015567 [W45113], SZÜLÉSZET
Noelle® Szülési szimulátor torzó, újszülöttel, 1015567 [W45113], SZÜLÉSZET
Noelle® Szülési szimulátor torzó, újszülöttel, 1015567 [W45113], SZÜLÉSZET
Noelle® Szülési szimulátor torzó, újszülöttel, 1015567 [W45113], SZÜLÉSZET
2 110 486,00 Ft
This comprehensive teaching system combines the best of our patient care simulators with the Advanced Childbirth simulator. It is designed to provide a complete birthing experience before, during and after delivery.


• Full size upper and lower female torso
• Removable stomach cover
• One articulating birthing baby with umbilical cord and placenta
• Automatic birthing system that rotates baby as it moves through the birth canal
• Measure head descent and cervical dilation
• Multiple placenta positions
• Replaceable dilating cervices
• Practice postpartum suturing on vulval inserts
• Practice Leopold Maneuvers

Supplied with:

• Two umbilical cords
• Two dilating cervices
• Two umbilical clamps
• Two vulval inserts
• One Omni™ controller
• Three vulva for postpartum suturing
• Talcum powder and silicone lubricant
• NOELLE® training guide
• NOELLE® teaching guide with scenarios
• Carrying bag

Birthing Simulator
with Pedi® Blue Neonate
Birthing Simulator with Birthing and
Resuscitation Baby
Birthing Simulator
with Birthing Baby
Birthing Simulator
with Birthing Baby
Item No. 
Light Skin 1012732
Dark Skin 1017865
Light Skin 1012417
Dark Skin 1017860
Light Skin
Light Skin
Full-body/Torso full-body full-body full-body torso
PEDI® Blue Neonate (1013066) included - - -
Articulating baby with placenta included included with additional resuscitation baby included included
Multiple fetal heart sounds -
Intubatable airway with chest rise -
Bilateral carotid, radial and brachial pulses -
IM sites -
IV arm -
Birthing system automatic automatic automatic automatic
Practice of Leopold's maneuver
Measure head descent and cervical dilation
Two umbilical cords, dilating cervices
and umbilical clamps
Replaceable dilating cervices
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) -
Perineum insert -

Kódszám: 1015567 [W45113]
Súly 23 kg
Márka Gaumard
MPN: S552.M
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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