10 Microscope Slides. With depictured accompanying brochure 1(d). Cell division in l.s. of Allium root tips, showing all mitotic stages 2(e). Ascaris, primary germ cells in the growing zone of oviduct 3(f). Ascaris, entrance of sperm in the ...
50 mikroszkópi metszet. Emberek és állatok házi és trópusi parazitái.
1(f) Entamoeba histolytica, am?bás dizentéria, kenet vagy metszet 2(f) Leishmania donovani a Kala-Azar kó ...
The Canine Skin Model is an enlarged cross-section of canine skin. One side features normal skin anatomy extending from the epidermis down to the layer of subcutaneous fat. The reverse side demonstrates the progressing changes of a flea bite ...
Ez a közepes méretű, kétoldalas kutyafül modell a következőket ábrázolja:
Normál oldal: csiga, hallócsontok,fülkürt, tympanic bulla, középfül üreg, dobh ...
Canine Parasite Model. A parasite is an organ that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in another type of organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. It is fairly common for our pets to become the unknowing hosts to a ...