Premium Franck-Hertz Experiment Power Supply (115 V, 50/60 Hz)

Premium Franck-Hertz Experiment Power Supply (115 V, 50/60 Hz), 1012818 [U8482530-115], Franck - Herzt kísérlet
Premium Franck-Hertz Experiment Power Supply (115 V, 50/60 Hz), 1012818 [U8482530-115], Franck - Herzt kísérlet
Premium Franck-Hertz Experiment Power Supply (115 V, 50/60 Hz), 1012818 [U8482530-115], Franck - Herzt kísérlet
799 719,00 Ft
The quantization of energy and the generation, recording and evaluation of spectra, along with the experimental verification thereof, is included in most of the curricula used around the world. The well known experiment first performed by James Franck and Gustav Hertz in 1913 is critically important in terms of demonstrating discrete energy states in atoms.

Power supply unit for operating the mercury filled Franck-Hertz tube (U8482550-230 resp. U8482550-115), the neon filled Franck-Hertz tube (U8482230) or the critical potential tubes (U18560 and U18565). The equipment provides all the voltages needed to power the tubes and includes a sensitive built-in DC amplifier for measuring collector current. The voltages can simultaneously be read off a display. The accelerating voltage can be set-up manually on the apparatus or set to a saw-tooth wave form. Additional measuring inputs are also available for the anode current and accelerating voltage.

  • Filament voltage UF: 0 − 12 V, continuously adjustable
  • Control voltage UG: 0 − 12 V, continuously adjustable
  • Accelerating voltage UA: 0 − 80 V
  • Modes of operation: manually adjusted / saw-tooth
  • Countervoltage UE: 0 − ±12 V, continuously adjustable, switchable polarity
  • Output UY for collector current IE: IE = UA * 38 nA/V (0 − 12 V)
  • Output UX for accelerating voltage UA: UX = UA / 10
  • Outputs: 4 mm safety sockets
  • Input: BNC socket
  • Dimensions: 160x132x210 mm³ approx.
  • Weight: 3.4 kg approx.

Szükséges hozzá​

40 640,00 Ft
22 987,00 Ft
8 636,00 Ft
Kódszám: 1012818 [U8482530-115]
Súly 4.16 kg
Márka 3B Scientific
Régi termék kód 1000908
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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