The optical lamp consists of a neutral white, high-power LED incorporated into a plastic case with a magnetic base attachment. It is suitable for carrying out experiments in ray optics. Power is provided by means of a 5 V DC plug-in power supply ...
Two high-powered LEDs of a neutral white colour are incorporated into the lamp. The lamp has an outlet for a parallel beam with a holder for slides or filters on one side and an outlet for a divergent beam on the other side. On the base of ...
Two high-powered LEDs of a neutral white colour are incorporated into the lamp. The lamp has an outlet for a parallel beam with a holder for slides or filters on one side and an outlet for a divergent beam on the other side. On the base of ...
The optical lamp consists of a neutral white, high-power LED incorporated into a plastic case with a magnetic base attachment. It is suitable for carrying out experiments in ray optics. Power is provided by means of a 5 V DC plug-in power supply ...
Ez az optikai elem a Student Kits Optika része (tételsz.: 1000734 / 1008531).
Domború lencse kiváló minőségű optikai üvegből. Mágneses talpú burkolatba ágyazva ...
Ez az optikai elem a Student Kits Optika része (tételsz.: 1000734 / 1008531).
Domború lencse kiváló minőségű optikai üvegből. Mágneses talpú burkolatba á ...
Ez az optikai elem a Student Kits Optika része (tételsz.: 1000734 / 1008531).
Domború lencse kiváló minőségű optikai üvegből. Mágneses talpú burkolatba á ...
Ez az optikai elem a Student Kits Optika része (tételsz.: 1000734 / 1008531).
Homorú lencse kiváló minőségű optikai üvegből. Mágneses talpú burkolatba á ...
Object holder with magnetic base to accommodate optical apertures in slides (50x50 mm2), e.g. single slit N (U8470870) or triple/quintuple slit N (U8478110).
Metal rail with millimetre scale and guide slots for accommodating optical components on a magnetic base.
Dimensions: 400x75x10 mm³
Weight: 230 g approx.
Single slit slide for mounting in N-model object holder or in the filter slot of the N-model parallel light optical lamp to use in optical experiments requiring a tight single beam.
Dimensions: 50x50 mm²
4 diakeretbe foglalt képből álló készlet.Keretméret: 50 mm x 50 mmTartalom:1 skála, 15 mm hosszú, 0,1 mm skálaosztás1 színes fényképfelvétel1 F-diafragma1 1-diafragma
Slide with a triple and a quintuple slit arrangement for mounting in N-model object holder (U8470350) or in the slide slot of the N-model parallel light optical lamp (U8478080-230 or U8478080-115) to use in optical experiments requiring multiple ...