AC/DC kisfeszültségű tépegység túlterhelés védelemmel. A kimenő feszültség 4, előre meghatározott feszültséget vehet fel, melyek között kapcsoló ...
Pair of pole pieces for experiments on the semiconductor Hall effect. Including clamping brackets for mounting on the U-core D (U8497215).
Pole shoe dimensions: 40x40x75 mm³
Total weight: approx. 2 kg
Tekercs, ütésálló, zárt műanyagból házzal, transzformátor primer vagy szekunder tekercsének D típusú vasmaggal kombináltan (U8497180). Biztonsági csatlakoz ...
Two-part holder accommodating sample boards and magnetic field sensor in experiments on the Hall effect. Samples and sensors are attached to the holder by means of fastening screws.
Magnetic field sensor FW ± 2000 mT is used to measure magnetic flux density in the tangential direction. Located on the tip of the probe is a Hall sensor with an output signal proportional to the operating voltage. The sensor is equipped ...
The Voltage sensor BT32i is designed for measuring voltages between -500 and +500 mV. The sensor has diff erential inputs; measurements can be done directly across circuit elements without the constraints of common grounding. It has two ...