The Adjustable Cuff wrist weight - 4 lb (20 x 0.2 lb inserts), red, 2x | Alternative to dumbbells

The Adjustable Cuff wrist weight - 4 lb (20 x 0.2 lb inserts), red, 2x | Alternative to dumbbells, 1021305, Súlyok
The Adjustable Cuff wrist weight - 4 lb (20 x 0.2 lb inserts), red, 2x | Alternative to dumbbells, 1021305, Súlyok
36 068,00 Ft


Product in Kék Product in Zöld Product in Piros Product in Sárga
New Product
Alternative to dumbbells - Flexible use during training - Resistance training anywhere, anytime - The Adjustable Cuff wrist or ankle weight comes standard with a D-ring closure for snug fit and padded interior for comfortable fit. The weight ships with weight inserts pre-inserted into the weight pockets. These inserts can be removed from the weight pockets to adjust the weight of the exerciser. The weight is color-coded to identify maximum weight. Each  weight is available in 2, 4, 5, 10 and 20 pound sizes. Each weight is available individually or as a pair.


  • Weight can be adjusted by removing or adding weight inserts

  • Hook/loop strap with D-ring closure for snug fit

  • Padded interior for comfortable fit

  • Designed to contour to wrist or ankle

Kódszám: 1021305
Súly 4.05 kg
Márka the Cuff
MPN: 10-3341-2


  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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