Visualize Your Portion Size Display

Visualize Your Portion Size Display, 1020781, Táplálkozással kapcsolatos oktatás
Visualize Your Portion Size Display, 1020781, Táplálkozással kapcsolatos oktatás
330 454,00 Ft
Recognising portion sizes to gauge how much you are eating throughout the day is key to weight management and overall health. Featuring clever combinations of common foods and household objects, this display trains viewers’ eyes to recognise portion sizes by relating them to everyday things. Models include a CD/pancake representing a portion of grains, a deck of cards/steak representing 3 oz (85 grams) of meat, a tennis ball/orange representing a medium fruit, and more. Comes in a convenient carrying case, which is perfect for health education on the go!

Being wise about portion size is an important part of weight management. Featuring clever combinations of common foods and household objects, this display trains viewers' eyes to recognise portion sizes by relating them to everyday things. Models include:
  • A yo-yo half representing one biscuit portion
  • A deck of cards/steak representing 3 oz (85 grams) of cooked lean meat
  • A computer mouse/pasta representing ½ cup (80 grams) of cooked pasta
  • A smart phone/fish representing 3 oz (85 grams) of cooked fish
  • 1 CD/pancake representing one portion of grains
  • 2 dominoes representing 3 oz (28 grams) of cheese
  • 1 die representing 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of butter or margarine
  • A tennis ball/orange representing a medium fruit
  • A golf ball/peanut butter representing 2 tablespoons (22 grams) of peanut butter
  • A light bulb/broccoli representing ½ cup (80 grams) of cooked vegetables

Comes in portable carrying case that measures 51 cm x 36 cm x 9 cm.
Kódszám: 1020781
Súly 2.725 kg
Méret 51 x 36 x 9 cm
MPN: 79204
  • Személyre szabott tanácsadás
Ügyfélszolgálat telefonszáma
+ 36 1 431 09 14

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